Yo mama's so POOR: she can't pay attention.

when I seen her kicking a can down the street, I asked her what she was doing, she said, "Moving."

when I ring the doorbell, she has to say, "DING!"

burglars break into house so they can leave money.

she can only afford the "Wel" on the "Welcome" mat.

she waves around a popscicle stick and calls it air-conditioning.

she's trying to get married so she can get the rice at the wedding.

I asked her what was for dinner and she popped ME in the oven.

your TV's got two channels: on and off.

she eats cereal with a fork so she can save milk.

when she goes to KFC, she has to lick other people's fingers.

they put her face on a foodstamp.

she used a tumbleweed for a Christmas tree.

she hangs the toilet paper to dry.

I saw her trying to put a food stamp into a gumball machine.

I saw her wrestle a squirrel for a peanut.

you can't kill the roaches in your house, cause they pay half the rent.

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Email: okmh@hotmail.com

Email: okmh@hotmail.com