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What is Cthonion Wikka?

Cthonion Wikka is the spiritual inheritor of the various cults dedicated to the worship of the various dieties known as the "Great Old Ones". Whether or not there is a direct lineage to these various cults is an issue of great debate, amongst both scholars and practioners. Practioners, however do not see the relevance of an unbroken line of descent, and instead focus their energies towards the present, and the grim future which awaites all mankind - the reawakening of the "Great Old Ones".

Why do you call yourself Wikka? And why the strange spelling?

Unlike other "Wiccan" traditions, we make no fale assumptions regarding the traditional western view of witchcraft. Witchcraft was never about "wise women" (the word in actuality derives from the root *wic-, which means "to bend, or twist"). It is not the legacy of the various pagan cults of Europe, nor is it the remnants of a Paleolithic fertility cult. Witchcraft has always belonged to the realm of the weird, that which lies "outside" normal conventions. We activley attempt to strengthen the forces of chaos and entropy, as this will hasten the return of the dark gods. We use the word Wikka, because it is the word that best describes us (the twisters, or shapers of reality). The altered spelling is to distinguish ourselves from the various "neo-pagan" cults, in line with the modern convention (ie. magic vs. Magick).

How does the Cthonion Wikkan Tradition view Wicca?

For the most part, we don't think about them. Wicca's only admirable trait is that it is a good spawning ground for potential Cthonion Wikkans to emerge from. Eventually, those wiccans with a shred of intelligence, move on and find a more fulfilling mystiko-magikal system. The rest continue to spawn in their "shallow" pools, and the cykle perpetuates itself. When we must associate with wiccans, we try to keep in mind that these people do not know any better, and we treat them as we would "younger siblings". Eventually most realize that their duality based ystem is internally flawed, and it is at this time that we take them in with open and loving arms.

Do you believe in the Necronomicon?

We view the Necronomicon, or Book of Dead Names, in a similar vein to the "Holy Graal" of some intelligent Christian groups. While we do not believe in the physical existance of such an artifact (despite the many claims to the contrary), we see it as an important tool. Something which we ever strive for, but can never truley grasp. Posession of the Necronomicon is not important, rather it is the attaining of its various "pages", and the experiences gained in their compilation which count.