Book of Shadows
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Book of Shadows


A Book of Shadows is a book that a Witch writes her spells in, uses for references, and records rituals. It is a book of power.

This page shall contain some pages from my BoS... but I am looking to you, also... If you have any rituals, spells, poetry, info, etc., you may send it to me. Please put "BoS" in the subject line, and send it!

Blessed Be!


The Wiccan Rede A must read for beginners
The 13 Goals of the Witch What most Witches strive to achieve
The Charges of the Goddess and God
Magick Circles
Quarter Calls
Grounding and Centering
Days of Power: The Sabbats and Esbats
Candle Color Correspondences Different colors and their energies
Moon Magick How moon cycles affect our bodies, mind, and magick


Formulation for Holy Water
Cleansing, Consecrating and Empowering
Spell to Rid Yourself of Something Negative
Drawing Down the Moon
Witches' Bottles and Charms
Crystal Countdown Meditation: Into Alpha

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