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The Magick Circle

The magick circle is a boundary of protection that keeps harmful energies out and positive energies (and all power you raise) in. In many of my own circle castings, you will find that a
common line that I like to add is, "I cast this circle so that it may contain all the energies I shall raise herein." However, this is not to say that any circle castings without this line is not mine! All circle castings (and any other rituals in these pages) are properly accredited.

As I was saying, the circle is important in ritual. It provides focus, so it increases the power that comes from you. In most cultures, the circle is a symbol of eternity. It has no beginning, and no end. When in a circle, we are between time and space.

In Wicca, a full ritual circle is cast (to make it easier, drawn) with the wand, sword, or athame (see Tools .) Some smaller workings and light divination only require small mind circles where the circle is visualized in your mind's eye. In any circle casting, (or working of a spell, ritual, etc.) visualization is key key. Visualization is basically what makes magick work. And the utilization of your powers, the Earth's power, etc.

Whan you cast a circle, whether just in your mind or a full ritual circle, you can visualize a circle in one (or more) of many ways. Here are just a few I have tried.Some I've created, some are from various books. a few are really creative!:

Believe me, there are much more... these just happen to stick out. See? There is a lot of room for creativity in Wicca! Let your creative mind soar!

Once you have the visualization of simple mind circles down, try out some of these... Have fun!

Summer Circle
Circle of the Nine Oaks

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Pentacle Graphics by Lilith Silverhair at C.O.L.L

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