These are the Gods and Goddesses that I use in my rituals, spells, etc.
You will find that they are all in the Celtic/Welsh pantheons. The Celts
roamed all Europe, but mainly they stayed in the British Isles and Gaul
(now France and parts of Spain.)Here, I introduce them to you. I'll be
adding on soon!
The Gods and Goddesses
The Red Mother of All...
Major Mother Goddess of Ireland...
Mother of the Gods and Patroness of wizards...
rivers, water, wells, prosperity and plenty...
Magick and wisdom...
Compass Direction: All but usually East or South.
The All Father...
Eochaid Ollathair (The Father of All)...
Ruadh Rofessa (The Red One, Lord of Occult
Many talented and Powerful...
The Chief of the Tuatha de Dannan...
Compass Direction: All but usually North or West.
Breo saighead (Fiery Arrow or Power...)
Often referred to as the Triple Brigid ...
Also often associated with Danu at times...
The Daughter of Dagdha...
Goddess of the Sacred Flame of the Kildare...
Goddess of poets, feminine crafts, the hearth,
martial arts, healing and inspiration...
The White Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess...
Her feast is Imbolic...
She is who gives hope and new beginnings...
Sam ildanach (many skilled...)
"The Shining One"...
He holds the attributes of a carpenter, mason,
poet, Druid, physician and a goldsmith... He
really can be considered the Irish God of
just about everything... He was also the father of
the great Irish hero, Cuchulain.
Mannan mac Lyr
Chief Irish God of the Sea... Not a
member of the Tuatha de Dannan... A
happy-go-lucky gypsy type...Always carried
the "Crane Bag," a type of horn of plenty...
Could change his shape at will... Associated
with fertility, rebirth, sailing, and Magick...
Compass Direction: East
"Of the Silver Wheel." A Star Goddess of
Wales, Her palace was called Caer Arianrhod
(the Aurora Borealis...) Goddess of time and karma....
Mother Aspect of the Triple Goddess in Wales...
Goddess of beauty, the Moon, fertility, and
reincarnation... Also associated with the sea...
Welsh Goddess of Nature, associated with the
Sacred Cauldron of Wisdom that allowed Taliesin
to become enlightened. When she discovered that
Gwion had tasted of her cauldron, she chased him
through a variety of mutual shape changes until
at last she caught and consumed him as a grain
of wheat. This caused her to give birth to Taliesin.
direction: East or South
Known to all Celts as the "Horned God "... God of
nature, virility, fertility, animals, sex,
reincarnation and shamanism... Known to the Druids
as Hu Gadarn... God of the Underworld and Astral
Planes. The Consort of the Great Goddess.
direction: North or North-West
The two greatest Celtic Bards that ever lived...
Amergin was the Chief Bard of the Mileseans and
aided them in overcoming the Magicks of the Tuatha
de Dannans to become the heirs to the land of
Ireland... Taliesin was the great Bard of the Welsh,
whose poetry and songs, He gained his knowledge
from the Cauldron of Cerridwen... They are both
patrons of Bards, music, Magick and poetry...
direction: South or South-East.
The Dark aspect of the Celtic Triple Goddess...
The "Washer at the Ford" (seem washing bloody
laundry prior to battle by those destined to die)...
The Battle Goddess, also Queen of the Witches and
Goddess of Magick... Could appear as a Raven, a
beautiful Maiden or an ugly Hag. Marries the
Dagdha at Samhain... The Goddess of Death.
direction: North or North-west.
"She Who Strikes Fear"... The Irish/Scottish Goddess
of martial arts... The Destroyer aspect of the
Dark Goddess. A great sword warrior and instructor...
Native to the Isle of Skye. Teacher of Cuchulain...
Patroness of martial arts, prophecy, blacksmiths
and magic...
direction: East.
I will be posting more as soon as I have time! )O(
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