Holy water is a very useful substance to the Witch. We use it for several things, such as Cleansing, consecrating, and empowering blessing, anointing, and much more. When you do fromulate holy water, formulate a lot -- you'd be surprised at how quickly one can go through a tiny bit!
Items needed:
Invocation to the Goddess:
From my heart,
From my blood, Goddess,
I call you.
Who shines for all, who flows through all.
Be with me now, Mother,
Be with me now!'
Hold the water in your right hand and the salt in you left hand. Say:
'Blessed Be, O creature of Water.'
'Blessed Be, O creature of Earth.'
Hold the both of them to the sky in the light of the moon, visualizing the moonlight
cleansing it ans empowering it with the power of the Pregnant moon saying:
'Salt and water
Body and Essence,
Be Cleansed!
Cast out all that is harmful!
Take in the dripping essence of the Mother Moon
By the triune of life, death, and rebirth
So mote it be!'
Place the bowl of water on the pentacle, and the salt aside, and place the
tip of you athame in the water. Spill three mounds of salt into the water and
stir widdershins (counterclockwise,) saying:
'Blessed be, thou creature of art. By art made, by art changed. You are
purified. So mote it be.'
Dismiss the Goddess:
My mother, my life-giver,
I thank thee from my heart,
From my blood.
Blessed Be!'
Dismiss the Quarters
Take down the Circle
*Spring Water: You really can't trust bottled-water companies to have actual "spring water" for their product. You won't usually be drinking your Holy Water, so if it is all possible, take a little field trip to a lake or stream in your area. It will be all the more powerful than tap water or bottled "spring water" because it will actually come straight from the Great Mother Earth. But, if you have absolutly no access to such a stream or lake, tap water still will work. Also in an emergency, Holy Water from the tap is far better than no Holy Water at all.