Dawson's Creek Site!
Sorry this page hadn't been updated in such a long time!
Check out my POLL RESULTS! If u haven't voted yet, don't worry, u can still vote! I will update my polls every month!
In near future, this page should have TONS more pictures on it, because I now have 2 people scanning for me ! (Thanx Stef and Trouz!) Check back soon!
Oh yeah, and if you want to email me, click here, don't use the email at the bottem of the page, because I don't have it anymore and can't change it! Thanx!
Click here to see what I updated 3-2-98!
Choose one:
MY DAWSON'S CREEK CHAT! -come here Tuesdays, 7:00 EST to chat about the show!
Like my page? Please put my banner:
on yer page! My friend Stef just made it for me (Thank u very much) and I think it's really cute, so please link it! I'm too lazy to upload it onto my own page, so for now, the image is located at: http://members.tripod.com/~dharma_greg/mannixban.gif
Please link it to my page (located at: https://www.angelfire.com/ma/dcreek ). Thanx!!!!!!
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In memory of Natalie Wood
Please feel free to SEND me any comments or suggestions!
Dawson's Creek airs Tuesday, 9PM, on the WB Network.