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Teacher Quotes

Nuggets of wisdom straight from the mouths of my teachers.

Last year's history teacher:
"Until 1890, the other countries were like, 'whatever.'"
"Hamilton liked to get it on in the closet with maids."
"Everyone feels better when they're on top." (or something to that extent; i couldn't find the exact quote)

This year's Spanish teacher:
"Breasts! She's growing breasts!" (Aren't quotes more fun when you don't know the context? Well, regardless of that, this one was still sketchy. He was talking quite emphatically.)
"COR-ny!" (this one is a lot more funny when you actually hear it)
"That tells you what kind of woman I want."
"No, this is a Spanish class." (in response to "Can we talk about this in English?" Note the irony.)

This year's English teacher:
"It's hard to kill your mother."

Someone in my English class:
"That's not puppy love; that's gigantic dog love."

This year's math teacher:
"So I suppose you're all wondering why I asked you here today." (to the class, at the beginning of the period)
"Skippity dippity blah blah blah."
"It's time to throw up."
"I like to think of you people as the screwed generation."
"Anybody having trouble with their love life?" (during a lull in the class)
"This isn't so retarded..."
"Never underestimate the idiocy of your opponents."

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