This is a piece of an email I wrote when i was very tired. But I looked at it again the next day, and I liked it, so here it is. Enjoy.
i got home about an hour ago from being at the mall for waaaay too long a period of time...whoo boy, i think the mall has gotten to my brain. have you ever looked at the people there? it's kind of interesting... it's mostly teeny-boppers (*shudder*) as you'd tend to expect, but then there are all the little old ladies, and the random more hard-corish teens who probably got dragged there by their friends or girlfriends or actually need to buy presents for people and resigned themselves to stooping down to the level of the trendies and going to the mall. oh yeah, and all the little kids...especially this time of year, with the Santa you can get a picture taken with, on his lap... tara told me that mr. macdougall used to be one of those santas and the scary mothers would sit on his lap and "try to get a rise out of Santa". scary, no? can you even imagine that? well, i can imagine him as santa but not with the mothers sitting on his lap. i think santa all in all is a strange and cruel tradition... it would be one thing if it were a myth which everyone took to be just a myth, but it's not. parents take so much time and effort trying to convince their kids that this big happy red guy comes down their chimney to give them presents. and then the kids, a few years later, manage to find out in one way or another that the whole thing which they've believed in for so long is just one big lie. it's all unnecessary disillusionment and disappointment. and i'm sure it makes it a lot harder to trust anything your parents say again, come to think of it. and what's the point really? a few years of happiness knowing that a random guy who's been watching you all year comes to your house and gives you stuff... but wouldn't it be better to know that the people who probably care more about you than anyone else in the world does are the ones giving you things, not some random fat man who conveniently only comes when you're sleeping? i suppose santa can be compared to god, on a bigger scale. the dude (i'm talking god now) is supposed to watch you your whole life, then you die and then you get rewarded (or not, as the case may be). it's basically the same deal, but when you find out santa's a lie, what are you going to think about god? well, it was never really a problem for me, mostly because i'm jewish but also because i can't remember a time when i ever really believed in god. have you ever thought about what would happen if one obscure religion is actually the right one and everyone else is wrong? maybe after we die we'll find out that god is actually a large green sheep who will only send us into the promised land if we believed in her before we died. then i guess we're pretty much all screwed except for that one person who believed in the big green sheep god. anyway, i think i've been rambling for entirely too long and if you're wondering, this is what i tend to do when i'm tired.