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I would like to take a moment to thank some very special people. If I put them all in my photo album you'd never be able to open the page. And some of these people I don't even know but they have become very good friends of mine.

Dad, who I know will never see this seeing you're too scared of the "modern world" : ) I know we don't have a normal father/daughter relationship but if we did, I'm sure it would be weird. I like things the way they are and I hope they never change.

Dustin, what can I say about you....You are definitely your own person and for that I can't say much. I do hope that in time you will find your way down the right path. I know you have it in you somewhere, all you need to do is find it now!

Aaron, kid you got all the right stuff! Just don't ever lose it. I love you to death and I'd really hate to have to kick your ass if you screw up!

Brian, you are more than just a friend, you are my guardian angel (who happens to get lost a lot) Thank you for ALWAYS being there for me (when I can find you) You have no idea how good it feels that I always have a shoulder to cry on. 1-4-3
