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Links to other Internet sites of interest

eMSSA logo Although there are probably hundreds of thousands of sites on the Internet covering martial art topics, it makes no sense to try list them here. Instead I have chosen those which I think are special, possibly unique. (If you have suggestions for sites which could be added, please e-mail me.)

It is also recommended that you go to Members' Links to look at the sites of the members of the eMSSA discussion forum. Please come back often, as I will be adding to these links regularly. Also, if you discover any links which are dead, please inform me as soon as possible.

General links, particularly of interest for people new to martial arts
Practical Self-Defence
External Styles
Internal Styles
Martial Art Resources
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Modern Western Medicine (MWM)
Martial Art Links sites
Eastern Alphabets

general General links, particularly of interest for people new to martial arts

self-defence Practical Self-Defence

external External styles

internal Internal styles

resources Martial Art Resources

TCM/MWMTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Modern Western Medicine (MWM)

links Martial Art Links sites

east Eastern Alphabets

For more information, please contact