976 - EVIL


976 - EVIL
Produced : 1988
Film Length : 95 minutes
Film Certificate : 18 (UK)
Directed by Robert Englund
A Robert Englund Film
Distributed in the UK by Polygram Home Video


Poor Hoax is one of life’s misfits, nagged by his fanatically religious mother, snubbed by his ‘super cool’ biker cousin, he’s forever the victim of local bullies’ jokes. Now hoax has found a friend. Someone who understands his need to get even. Someone who’s on call anytime with words of comfort and advice. All he has to do is pick up the phone and dial 976 - EVIL for a direct line to hell.


976 - EVIL has all the ingredients of a classic horror movie, and yet it is basically unheard of. With stars immediately recognisable from Fright Night and Shocker, written and directed by Robert Englund and with effects done by the Friday the 13th men - 976 - Evil rates as one of my all time favourites. It isn’t particularly gory or anything like that - it’s the dark humour and the brilliant script that really brings the characters to life.

Death Count : 5+
Gore : 5/10

9.0 out of 10

By Richard Gift - 25 January 1999