Dark Universe


Dark Universe
Produced : 1993
Film Length : 90 minutes
Film Certificate : 15 (UK)
Directed by Steve Latshaw
An American Independent Production
Others : None, thank god


Multi-millionaire Rod Kendrick is not prepared for the dire consequences set in motion when he launches his own space shuttle, Nautilus, into orbit to explore above our world and beyond our skies. Astronaut Steve Thomas is preparing to re-enter the atmosphere when a sudden accident cuts him off from all contact with Earth, leaving him alone to face an unknown terror lurking in the Dark Universe. Steve discovers that thousands of alien spores have invaded his ship. He desperately tries to regain control of the Nautilus, but becomes infected with the alien fungus - and before our eyes the astronaut is overcome by a strange and horrifying transformation. For the Nautilus, the voyage has ended, but for everyone else, the nightmare has just begun!


Dark Universe is a trashy crappy cheap copy of the alien films, with the monster looking like a rubber alien suit. The only good bit in the film is when an Armadillo attacks a couple as they are doing their business. Please do not watch this crap, and if I hear you have, I’ll destroy your dumb head.

1.0 out of 10
By Richard Gift

Email: voorhees13th@hotmail.com