Troll 2


Troll 2
A Filmirage Production
Film Length : 95 minutes
Film Certificate : 18 (UK)
Produced : 1990
Distributed in the UK by Prism
Others in the series : Troll

"It’s summer time in the small town of Nilbog and the Waits family arrive to spend their vacation in the countryside. Young Joshua Wait is the first to realise that the people of Nilbog are not what they seem to bee... and Joshua’s fears are well founded for the Trolls, which are a particularly dangerous breed live in the woods around Nilbog and feed on the town’s population. The Trolls in the form of peasant villagers offer the Waits family food but Joshua is suspicious of their gifts and tries to persuade his family to refuse the food, which is a special concoction which will render them edible for the Trolls... for the Trolls are vegetarians... and the food would turn the Waits family into vegetables!! With only his Grandfather’s help, Joshua wages war against the Trolls..."

Reading the video cover reverse gave me an idea of what the movie might be like - a good story with plenty of action and gore, but I was quite wrong. For starters, at the beginning of the movie, you see some kids running through the woods wearing crappy suits with rubbish Troll masks - and then you realise that this is not a load of children dressing up - It is supposed to be the Trolls - they really are laughably bad. And the acting. The acting is some of the worst I have seen in my whole lovely life, and the action and effects are pathetic. AVOID.....AVOID.....AVOID.....etc...

1.5 out of 10

By Richard ‘Gift’
12 July 1998

