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tuesday.november.13.2001.eight twenty-two in the morning

lately i've noticed that there are a lot of things that i think really suck. this isn't huge news or anything, i guess i've thought a lot of stuff sucks for a while now.

does this make me cynical? i guess so. but, unlike most cynical people i know, i don't hold onto my pessimism like it's an essential personality trait. i'm not happy that i think all these things suck, i don't think it puts me on a higher intellectual level than the people who are content (if there are people who are content). in fact, i wish more than anything that i was happy with the way things are. unfortunately for me, though, the things i think suck aren't going to change anytime soon; and i can't, i honestly can't, lower my standards any farther.

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that was a long, harsh 'thing that sucks'. i'll lighten the mood a little by listing 'thing that sucks, #2'. you can also take the comma out of there and say that this is the "thing that sucks #2", but that's just gross (funny to me, though, because it seems that i have the sense of humor of a third grade boy). of course, i'm talking about the yankees. i know, i know, they lost. i know, i know, new york is supposed to have the whole country's support in their time of need. but come on, the yankees fuckin suck. and anyway, the way we were all supposed to be on the yankees side because of the tragedies is just shit. i'll go to new york and work at the salvation army or help clean up the rubble, but no way in hell would i ever root for the yankees. (or any team from ny, for that matter). an amusing place to visit when you have a few minutes: Yanks Suck it may take awhile to download, but it is soooooo worth it.

there are a few other things i can think of that suck off the top of my head....

like netscape 4.X, which, if you have, you couldn't read this even if you wanted to.

like finding out my brand new (to me) car needs fixin' fucking already.

like staying late at work to burn a cd that should take all of 20 minutes at most, but ends up taking an hour and 45 minutes.
