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Have you experienced God's forgiveness? Do you have the joy of knowing that God has REMOVED YOUR SINS and accepted you as HIS CHILD?

If not, you can. JESUS CHRIST became your sin-bearer. HE paid for every sin. If you trust HIM as your SAVIOR, GOD will freely forgive you.

GOD's forgiveness changes a sinner into a saint.Think about it...

No one is hopeless whose hope is in GOD.We are not SAVED by reciting a creed, but by RECEIVING CHRIST. .... God the Father gave up something HE held dear...HIS ONLY SON. We should all be thankful for JESUS CHRIST ...GOD's sacrifice. SALVATION is FREE....but....SOMEONE paid an ENORMOUS PRICE. Won't you accept this GIFT??! HOW COULD YOU SAY NO?

I do go on don't I? I guess I just want to share all I know and think and feel with all my family and friends. Well here is another little story and this one is True!...

When General "Stonewall" Jackson lost an arm in battle, his chaplain was sympathetic. But the general replied,"You see me wounded, but not depressed, not unhappy. I believe it has been according to God's Holy Will, and I accept it entirely. You may think it strange, but you never saw me more perfectly contented than I am today, for I am sure my Heavenly Father designs this affliction for my good. I am perfectly satisfied that either in this life or in that which is to come, I shall discover that what is now regarded as calamity is a blessing." What faith! If we could see as GOD sees, we wouldn't want to miss the invaluable spiritual lessons we might not gain in any other way. Let's trust GOD. In His time, we'll clearly see His purposes...if not on earth, then in HEAVEN. P.R.V.

April 8, 1992 .... What haven't I said? I love you all so much. That is why I am risking pushing you away from me. I have to tell you this GREAT NEWS! SALVATION is ONLY through JESUS CHRIST. To be saved from what?? Well, since we are ALL SINNERS, according to GOD's WORD, and the PENALTY for SIN is DEATH (eternal separation from GOD). And since there is nothing we can do ourselves to cleanse away our sin, then we NEED "Someone" to SAVE US from....

That SOMEONE is...

GOD's gift to a dying world is the life-giving SAVIOR.

Wise men still "seek" HIM. Some people miss the meaning of Christmas by getting wrapped up in the "gift-giving", music and festivities. GOD let us see HIM, by sending HIS SON JESUS to earth. The HEAVENLY FATHER fully revealed HIMSELF as He is. JESUS was GOD "manifested in the Flesh".1Tim. 3:16. He made this clear when HE said, "He who has seen ME has seen the FATHER." John 14:9. This is called the incarnation. But some people refuse HIS KINGSHIP. Why? Because they do not want to give in to any authority over their lives. They prefer to rule themselves....And that is just what Satan wants! He lies to us. HE wants to hide the TRUTH from us. He wants to steal as many souls as he can before his time is up.... But GOD loves us SO MUCH that CHRIST died for us. .... We can show our LOVE for HIM by living for HIM.

There's no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend. Don't let a day go by without thanking God for His Love.

If you don't believe GOD IS REAL or that HE can change your whole life...challenge Him. He will prove Himself to you. Just ASK Jesus to come into your heart, sincerely, asking HIM to forgive your sins, and to be LORD of your life. If you sincerely want JESUS to come into your heart, HE will. And you will be BORN AGAIN!!! Really!! Try it in faith....What have you got to loose? (are you AFRAID to try?) Do you REALLY and SINCERELY want to know GOD? To love HIM? To serve HIM? To live with HIM forever in HEAVEN? .....Well, what are you waiting for?? Are you scared? Embarrassed? Don't you BELIEVE that GOD has the POWER to change you??? Maybe you don't think you NEED to change....But, if you don't have a personal relationship with JESUS....and read GOD's WORD(the Bible), and KNOW HE is LORD, then, YOU NEED TO CHANGE!!! Unless, of course, you don't care about spending ETERNITY in HELL. (Eternity is a long time.....Never ending....always...get it? Don't believe me!! BELIEVE HIM!! I'm such a bad example, but I'm praying to be better. Don't use people like Jim Baker as an excuse for not wanting to be BORN AGAIN. One bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch. And I know there's more than one. But all Italians aren't in the Maffia either! So don't mistust ALL BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS. I'm a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN, and there are a lot of us who are sincere. And....JESUS Himself said...."You must be born again." John 3:3.

There's really nothing I can say to prove any of this to you if you have no FAITH...... If you truly desire to spend eternity in HEAVEN with GOD our FATHER, then you MUST humble yourself before GOD and ask HIM in.

Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him and he with Me." Rev.3:20 JESUS is knocking at the door of your heart...right now...Won't you open up and let HIM IN?

