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May 7,1992 ....Family, I just wish there was some way of convincing you that what I am trying to tell you is THE TRUTH. It's not just what I believe,(my opinion). But the absolute TRUTH!

JESUS is Real

He is GOD! He is ALIVE! Just call out to HIM. Ask HIM into your heart. HE will come in. You know, it's not ENOUGH to be a GOOD PERSON to be SAVED. Going to church or repeating prayers WON'T get you into HEAVEN. Taking care of your family, though a "good thing", WON'T do it either. ONLY TRUSTING in JESUS CHRIST as your LORD & SAVIOR can do it. give your life over to HIM. Turn from any known sin. It is your CHOICE! Which will it be?? HEAVEN or HELL? WHERE WILL YOU spend ETERNITY? It could begin at any moment. Don't wait until it's too late.

I really want to see you in HEAVEN. I know I'll be there. Not because I deserve to be there. Not because I haven't done anything BAD. (I have) Not because of what church I go to.(That makes no difference to ones salvation) Not because I'm perfect. (I'm NOT!) (ask Joe) But because of my FAITH IN JESUS!!! You can't just SAY you have FAITH in Jesus. It's more than just HEAD KNOWLEDGE...more than just WORDS. You must make a comittment to HIM.

If you continue to take HIS name in vain....and live your life for yourself, not turning from your sin....then you don't have a "saving faith". There MUST be a change in you after you ACCEPT JESUS as your SAVIOR. If you truly have BELIEVED in HIM, and turned from your sin, and are BORN AGAIN, you will be different. You will FEEL it, and you will KNOW it's real. Your spiritual eyes and ears will be opened and you will be able to SEE CLEARLY the sin that kept you from a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with GOD. Your priorities will change. You will know that the MOST IMPORTANT thing in your life is your relationship with JESUS. Even more important than your family! Because JESUS said if you aren't willing to leave your family for Him then you cannot be His disciple.(follower) And a relationship with your family is NOT what saves you from HELL. But your relationship with JESUS, as Lord and Savior. He must be #1. No ifs and or buts about it.....If JESUS is LORD of your life, HE comes first. He is in charge of all you do. HE's the BOSS!


So, if you are still doing what YOU want, making YOURSELF for YOURSELF, instead of for GOD....then it's time you came to know YOUR MASTER. The Creator of ALL THINGS wants to have a personal relationship with you. HE LOVES YOU, and is waiting for you to come home to Him. Isn't that AWESOME??!! But...HE won't wait forever. Time is running out. The LORD will return to judge us, then it will be TOO LATE to decide. And we KNOW NOT at what time HE will come. HE will come when we least expect it.(Luke 12:40)...So BE READY! The only way to BE READY is to place your faith in JESUS.

Pray now to accept Him as your LORD and SAVIOR. Ask Him to come into your heart. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to show you what GOD's will is for you. Ask HIM to take control of your life, to guide you, to give you WISDOM and INSIGHT. Then, begin reading GOD's WORD(the BIBLE), every day. He will speak to you through the pages. And as you begin to grow in your relationship with HIM, you will be stronger and happier than ever before. I don't mean life will be PERFECT, but HE will give you HIS PEACE. If you want it, you can have it.

Oct 1,1992 .... Maybe you agree with everything I have said. Maybe not. But if you do, what have you DONE about it? In order to RECEIVE a gift you need to TAKE IT, right? Well, the GIFT of SALVATION is like that too. You must ACCEPT it. You must ACT upon your BELIEF. You need to make a DECISION to ask JESUS to come in, to be your personal SAVIOR and LORD. Then READ HIS WORD!! No excuses please, like "I don't have the time" or " I don't like to read". The BIBLE is GOD's LOVE LETTERS to you!! How can you NOT READ IT?

Of course....maybe you don't agree with what I have said. Maybe you think it is all just MY OPINION. is FACT! And it will be proven to you someday. One day EVERY knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord...Philippians 2:10-ll. EVERY includes yours. If you are a NON-BELIEVER, prove me wrong. Read God's Word, study it, and you just might discover THE TRUTH! If you don't have faith, but want faith, ask GOD to give you the faith you need and He will give it to you. And if you do BELIEVE but are afraid to act upon that belief by making a commitment to live for CHRIST, because you are afraid of rejection BY PEOPLE, then remember what JESUS said: "...but whoever denies Me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in Heaven." ....Matthew 10:33. That's pretty scary...and in Mark 8:38 JESUS says: "For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful geferation of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when He comes in the Glory of His Father with the holy angels."

Now, I believe what the BIBLE says. And I certainly don't want JESUS to be ashamed of me or deny me before GOD. Do you?


We must forsake all others. JESUS must be #1.


