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Item Price Type Shipping
"Skating On Uppers" full length !!!NEW!!! $9.00 (postage paid) cd only! ---------
CD $7.00 (Postage Paid) Rising Up From Shitville Comp. ---------
Cleanup the Streets $3.00 Five-O-Five 7" EP $1.00
Buttons $0.50 Five-O-Five 2 stamps
Patches $1.00 Five-O-Five two stamps
Stickers (Square and Rectangle) $0.50 "Five*O*Five" black print a stamp
Shirts OUT OF STOCK EP Cover Design / Back w/ Clean Up The Streets text $1.00
505/Phil split 7" $3.00 7" split w/ Phil $2.00

Please make all checks or money orders out to Mike Wakeham or Dan Carney. To order, send check or well concealed cash to either of the following:

Mike Wakeham
33 Wedge St.
Lowell, MA 01852

Dan Carney
14 Fairfield St.
Lowell, MA 01850