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Welcome to Glas Slprz Home Page


Hi! Welcome to my Web Zone!

I've moved my main page to:

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to visit my website. I'm remodeling; so don't mind the lil' bit of confusion while the dust settles in on what will be my "New and Improved" website!
I'm excited to be entering my third year of having this website. Thanks to Angelfire for hosting me this long. Don't forget to click the X to close the Pop-Up ads though. We love Angelfire, hate the ads (sigh).
While I decide on new graphics and layout - please feel free to access all my "old" CFIDS pages. I'll keep them until I can do better :)
Click on the "NEXT" Button to enter my website.
Thanks and have a great day!

Take care and God bless.
Love and Hugs,

Site Map
Symptoms & Diagnosis Link to Learn Dedication & Heroes
My Awards Page Affiliates Page Search Page


animated kitten

Email Glas Slprz


Want to visit more sites like this? Check out the "CFIDS/M.E./FMS Ring of Friends" and the "Phenomenal Women of the Web" Webrings on my Awards Page.

small flower

We Support Ty Hafan - The Children's Hospice In Wales

Graphics by:
 Link to Victorian Elegance
Victorian Elegance

small flower

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

The Official Seal Of The Phenomenal Women Of The Web - Against Domestic Violence

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