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The music on this page is the theme song from the movie Somewhere In Time.

My Awards Page


I'd like to take a moment to thank all the wonderful people who have honored me with their awards. Making this website has been a labor of love for me, and something I'd have gladly done just to know all the lives that I've touched. But being recognized for the hard work that I've put into making this an educational site, as well as a "lovely" place to visit...well, it leaves me teary-eyed and speechless! So the only (although quite inadequate) words I can offer in return for these honors are "Thank you very much. And may God bless you in return for all the love you've shown to me...and to the rest of the WWW!" -Love and Hugs, C.J.

The first part of this page is my awards. If you'll scroll down to the end, you'll find there the links for the three webrings that I now belong to. If you're looking for more sites like this one, then please feel free to continue your journey with another site in the 'ring!
And wherever you are on your journey of life, kind to yourself.


I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

The Official Seal Of The Phenomenal Women Of The Web - Against Domestic Violence

Thank you to Nancy Imelda Schafer for this prestigious honor. I am proud and indeed honored to be considered a "Phenomenal Woman of the Web"!


Warehouse of Pages Award
Thank you to Lyn for this high honor!

Home Page Excellence Award
Faith's Fun N Frenz Home Page
Thank you, Faith, for this award!

Coming Out Of The
Coming Out Of The Shadow Award
Shadow Award
Coming Out Of The Shadows Home Page

Amazing Women & Young
Amazing Women And Young Women On The Net Award
Women On The Net Award
Amazing Women On The Net Homepage
Thank you to Rachel at Life Link for these two very special awards!


Peggy's Star of Excellence Award
~Welcome to Peggy's Intuition~
Thank you, Peggy, for this lovely award!


Matt's Beach Humanity Award
Matt's Beach Entrance

Matt's Beach Golden Surfboard Award
Matt's Beach Entrance

Thank you, Matt, for these two very special awards!

BluAngel & Hugibear's

"Award of Excellence"
BluAngel & Hugibear's Awards Page

Thank you to Mike and Betty Brown for this lovely award!


CFIDS/M.E./FMS/Ring of Friends

This CFIDS/M.E./FMS Ring of Friends website is owned by: Glas

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