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"The Best of Times" by Styx
Dedicated to my Bear (aka "Prince Charming")
I love you, Baby : )

Welcome to Glas Slprz Home Page


Welcome to my home page!

Hi, my name is Cynthia Jayne, also known as CJ or Cindy. I'm glad you stopped in. I'm happy for this opportunity to tell you about living with CFIDS- the illness that I was diagnosed with in 1987, along with fibromyalgia. The acronym stands for Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome. It has been a challenging road that I've traveled, to say the least! I have learned a few things along the way that have helped me; and perhaps will help you as well.

The most disquieting symptom of CFIDS is the brain-fog. It feels as if your head is filled with cobwebs...I have lost quite a few memories, personal items...and at times it feels as though I have lost my mind completely. But the memory loss does have its upside. Since I don't remember movies that I've already seen, they are all new to me! And its always a challenge re-learning how to do simple tasks...but I've learned that doing old things in a new way is kind of fun! Then there's always the delight of meeting new people...that you've known for years...and have absolutely no idea who they are!

The absolute worst symptom for me has been the muscle pain. There is no easy way to tell you about feels as if every fiber of your being hurts. Thankfully, the medication regime that I'm on has for the most part alleviated this personal hell. The upside to this (and there is always an upside, I've found), is that I am quite a predictor of weather changes! I've thought of renting myself out to the Weather Channel...since my "radar" often works better than theirs!

Living with CFIDS is a challenge that I would rather not have faced. But since it beats the alternative, I've learned to accept it in my own way. I've come to value the things in life that really matter; such as the love of my family and friends. If this disease has robbed me of the capacity of living my life as I had planned; it has not taken love, faith and hope. If that is all I can give to you, then I will have given you the gifts of my heart. If you take anything from this page, let it be the love that I feel God has placed in my heart for you. Take the faith that I have in my spirit...that we are all human beings...not human doings. The faith that when God closes a door, He opens a window. That nothing can separate us from His love. Certainly not illness or other life situations that we all face.

And take the hope that lives on in my soul...that wherever I find myself on this life's path...we are all journeying together. The hope that you will feel the love and faith that I have given to you. Share what is already in your heart with those that are in your life. Don't wait for the right time. Say "I love you" today. Love IS all you need.

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I have other pages on this website that will help you in your search to learn more about CFIDS(Clicking on the underlined words will take you to these next pages.)On the next page, I've set up a "Symptoms and Diagnosis Page". That will give you an idea of what those of us with CFIDS go through; and may also answer your burning question of "Do I have this too????" (Okay, you wouldn't use that many question marks, I know, I know).

Next is the "Link to Learn Page". There are a BUNCH of websites that are devoted to CFIDS and it's sister-illness fibromyalgia; but I've only included the ones that I think are "the best". That page also has links for friends and family. It's a treasure trove of good stuff!

Next is my "Dedication To My Heroes" page, where you will find YOU! That's right, you're there too...all the folks I've met on the 'net; along with my family and friends; and the folks who are fighting the good fight. Why not stop in there and see what I've said about you? Can't keep you away now, can I?

If you've STILL got a yearning to learn more, and want to see who's bestowed honors upon my humble undertaking; then skip on over to my "Awards and WebRings" page. That's the place that has "more like this one" links, so you can continue with your journey in the Web Ring of either "The Phenomenal Women of the Web" and/or the "Phenomenal Women of the Web Women's Health Issues" and/or the "CFIDS/M.E./FMS Ring of Friends WebRing". All fine rings that I am so very, very proud to be a member of!

I also have now a "Search and Rescue" page. That offers a whole bunch of search engines; as well as links for HTML, graphics, computer help; and just plain fun!

I've recently added an "Affiliates Page" where you can shop 'til you drop. Okay, there's only five, so just shop 'til you're a little bit tired.

So...that's it folks. Thank you for your time, your attention and your love. I wish you well, and please...if you have any questions about CFIDS that haven't been answered in these pages, or the links; feel free to email me. I will do my best to answer any questions or to point you in the direction to find the answer. Also, if you could PLEASE sign my guest book! I'd appreciate that so much. It's not easy to make a website, and keep it updated, but it's worth it so much when you someone signs the book to tell you they've stopped in! Scroll down a little bit 'til you see the words VIEW and SIGN. They'll take you to my "Dreambook" where you can do one or both of those two things. Your choice, but again...after you're done reading it, sign the danged thing already! : )

With all my love, CJ

PLEASE!!!! Take a moment before you surf away, to go to this website. There you'll find a petition about Fibromyalgia. Since this is an illness that I suffer from (as well as CFIDS) it would mean an awful lot to me if you did. Thanks!

Use the back button on your browser to come back here after you sign it.

Here's an easy site map so you can click away to your heart's content! To come back to this page from one of the others, just click HOME.
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Symptoms & Diagnosis Link to Learn Dedication & Heroes
My Awards Page Affiliates Page Search Page

Before you leave this page, you'll want to scroll down and see the rest. There's some good stuff here too!


You can click here for help in your search about CFIDS. is one of the best places on the web for finding answers (not only about CFIDS, but this link takes you to their CFIDS site)

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I'm still partnering with ProHealth. If you've never heard of them, then check out their website! They've got wonderful high quality supplements that can help you to maintain or regain your health. And since I'm a partner, every order you place through this banner will be credited to my account. So stop in and browse; I'm sure you'll be pleased that you did!


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