3 poetry pages that brought in this next THOU years, baybees!

Will get to titling House Of Life at some point. Deal, or if you're THAT bourgois, click on Roosters or Mirror links and go there, they have table of contents where you can click on the name of the poem and get to it...... do you know how long it takes to link and target (other way around) 23 poems?!?. Coffee with a little chocolate ice cream melting slowly, gently floating and ever so slightly shifting and a big fat ol

Doobie kinda

Work oh yeah!

In Mah Mirror
In Mah Mirror

Fixated On Dawn And Roosters And Cream

Click here to return to The Home Of The Moon!


Poems From The House Of Life


You know it to be true
And now I have to agree
When I, was Penelope,
And you, were crazy,
And we faced each other on chairs
In the dayroom we faced each other
As if the rest of the crazies were not present
And we looked straight into each others eyes
And Penelope said what I as myself had longed to myriad times she
Begged you
For just
One hug
One embrace
Hold me
You told her
Rabbits quivering in your eyes
That you knew there would be
If ever we even touched.

Late that year
When we were both sane again
And crazier in love with each other than ever
We were left alone, facing each other when swing dancers had paired
And your rabbits thankfully leapt
To cut in on a couple
To grab the safe girl
And I got her leftover man
And we tried to feign attention to our new partners
Between relieved sighs
(saved from superglue again)
And serrendipitous gazes leaked periodically,
Unwillingly from our liquid eyes
We were wondering what would have happened
Had we grabbed each others waists
And pulled each other roughly into forbidden embrace

Oh you were right,
You who, then, spent an emerald summer
Trying not to gaze at the moon.
You who touched me only once, briefly, on a shoulder
When I wore pantyhose and a business suit and yelled at a vulnerable nun whom I loved
And withdrew that touch, too quickly, O, I am a woodstove in the center of winter to your young hands
I am the potential fissure in the dome cap
And if we ever touch now
It would be too late to prevent
Our lava from spewing all over each other
Hardening, superglued,

The muse's kiss of fire
The forbidden road started
And, thinking twice, turning back, in panic,
We'd be seeing No Escape: for what was
Would be a sheer drop down
Crumbled forever, the past
And our passion never ever again
A choice.


The secret room in your heart which is ours
The room you lock when our embrace must,
How long will it remain unfound?

Such a large and spacious room
Such a stark emptiness when in each others sweet embrace we are not
How silent the chamber
The great hall of our intense love
The key- where do you hide it
And how long do you suppose it will be

Someone suspects the room exists, or happens upon the door?
Curious, searches for that key
Knowing it must be "somewhere around here"

How long, my dear and sweet beloved one
Do you hypnotize your soul into believing
The spacious room of our love
Will remain sasanct
And our secret protected
And the walls not
Busted down?


Your words stuck to my foot on that day
On my rosebud cheeks they
Under that fold at the bottom of my heart
(Uncatagoried medically)
Nestled themselves
In the soft warm folds of my close personal
Alter they altered
My consciousness from down there, wetly, your innocuous words
Your words that only innocently told me you were fingering my voluminous present.
Thoughts of me,
Dripping from every single page,
Working your dreams,
Shoving them into mine, as if it would ward off death, your words,


 Little Big Woman
The knowledgeable called her
Drooling hope
From the side of their
Streaming eyes

Give, me a touch-even just one- they begged
I've been waiting
So VERY long.

Honey Thoughts

Open door-
I can feel your power
I'm shocked! I open my eyes
You wear the face of a child

Your flesh smells like honey
Thoughts, not diet, the controller
As your sweet thoughts drip down the blanket
I want to catch some with my tongue.

I do and now
I'll never be the same
again. Now.
Will I?

    Pledge To Completely Defiantly Unaffected Beauty

I told her how the world doesn't hear excuses so she could practice with me

I told her how
Comets have weird tales
She wanted to hear
The stories

"People will be jealous of your powers" I said
And, boy, I was right.

Emptying her pockets
She jutted her chin upward, towards the stiff winds,
She made a very stiff commitment
Out loud and strong

To become ABSOLUTELY beautiful.

Cyclone Sandwich

Write like a cyclone
Live like a traveler
There's not too many
Like us dear
Fluffernutter butter

Will you leave a portion of you for me. Please. I.
I'm not psychotic
Just overzealous in my
Infatuatory thoughts.
Unintentional intermediate magic
Tingling inside of the pores of your skin.

             My Previous Hearer

I'm racing with the moon to please you
I want to call you out in the lightning storm
Can you take my secret pain and lock it into
A mode only you can hear?

Uncharacteristically Wordless

You asked me once
Just how deep my commitment had grown
And I was tounge-tied
Throat handcuffed to the steering wheel.

Asking For More

I saw a triple rainbow today I
Spoke my mind & it was well-received I
Had juicy kisses with a gentleman
Feeling reconnected I
Skipped a little on a lawn and
Reached out to playfully brush hanging aerial roots.
From the banyan tree, passing.
What more can I ask for?
Always- plenty! My lips are waiting for yours
And it's the most ridiculous wish really
Oh god, sometimes, at night
I turn off the light for awhile just to be with you in my mind.

            Tailgating Wonder

I followed Wonder today
I drove behind it, down winding roads through outrageous scenery
For a long ways.

The fascination is whelming
Never over.

                 Good Year For Wine

Is there anything less than
The pathetic irony of our love
It hovers and hums like a large bird-
ooooo I meant to say bee
Why is everybody
Suddenly openhearted?

I lost you the other day
While I was looking for my bi-focals
In the melting desert sand
Is there anyone assuming for me that
I'll be alone up there in the country of isolated incidents
Come dancing with me
In the sands
Let it make each crevice aware

It's there

Talk to strangers

Let go of the night magic you bottled up a while back
I believe
The vintage is right.

            Sentient Dance

Was I too weary to go with you when you
Walked outside of the lines that long & rainy night drenched
Drowned in my alleged ambitions- again dear-  you-
Don't confiscate my goodies sweetheart
After you get through star-gazing-
Don't eat them-
Raw like clams-
Raw and bleeding with splinters
Coming out of your teeth
Every shard of shell like mica'd porcelain-
(My teeth were scratched by you)
While dreaming-
Every so often-
While awakedreaming you paused
I knew you cause you were there
Quivering with me.
What makes me quiver like that all over me in the night when you sweat sweet
Future-thoughts over my pillow
What am I to do with them
My heart is not a computer anymore-

Sentient being.


I left my hopeful, open, expectations, AT the roadside, NOT mutilated, always open, to the possibility, I could love you beyond words,
"My heart is full" her
Cliche'd slice of life revealed
I had hoped for dinner by the lake I had
Prayed for a quickie I had
Watched people do their best to
Tick off the moments I


Lips still had his heat on them
Numbed in an attractive way as they were
Who could speak of what the prophecies said when
Confronted with his eyes- me always becoming flabbergasted
Every word vibrating in my throat before it's given to him.
What am I going to do if he ever asks me
My feelings, caring, do I,
Swallow hard
Swallow down
Knowing that I'd
Be down on my knees, begging crumbs, that fall from his eye-lids
If I even THOUGHT he'd want it-
Not even said.

            Beyond Forgiving

I left you stranded and you forgave me
I unintentionally attacked you and
You said you were sorry

I put furniture out in the rain
Rather than shampoo it
Birds were grateful
Taking threads for the nest.

I caught your tear on my finger and played
Handball with it
Still- you insisted on
Tablets of ceremonial
Text obscured
By wine stains.

        Haha, MY heart, sucker!

I danced in the mud for you
And it wasn't enough
My art was raw, and sweaty
You were unimpressed.
The talk in town was that I was amazing
You begged to differ.

You took my heart and threw it in the passenger side of your car you
Drove up the mountain road at 75 MPH
But I can dragster too, darling
Better watch your step
Did you see that dust devil that passed you at 10,000 feet?

It was me.

Oh yes- I'll be waiting for you- pathetic crumpet
No tree, no bush, shall hide you
No rock, no boulder, no pile of small stones, no cave into the bowels
Shall shelter you, and your heart-keeping



        The Extinction Of The Blues

People dissatisfied with love have
Written many songs about it
Whine on. Usually wine on as well.

Why didn't they just
Take all that precious time they spent rehashing the pain in verse
And spend it exchanging
Love with those
Who will except it or even better
Welcome it with gratitude,

Guess- there'd be no Blues then.

            Feverish Affection

You made it, frankly, easy to fall in love with you
What- with your boyish good looks and sparkling eyes and
The pain and pathos churning under
Tall somewhat clumsy yet strong yes very strong
Body I want to taste you with the whole surface of my tongue
Oh my God- what am I going to do with
This fever I have of you?

        (for Bob, who made me include it)

Sands of silence fell over my face
Ruddy with Starglow, bound tight in well-made lace
Leave your anklets on
And nothing else
But the silence.

        Another Sunday Afternoon

She gave him coffee at dawn.

It was warm and wet to the touch.

10 centuries went by.

The cat yawned, stretched across the lazy armchair.

Afternoon sunlight, through the grillwork, made a pattern on the floor.

Two carpets danced, laughing at cherry and grape juice stains that were on them.

It was another Sunday afternoon.

        Party Of One

And they left a wake on the sea
As if they were a ship.

Love me?
I don't THINK so hypocritical
You blended my drink to perfect imperfection incarnate.
They wanted to know if I was with
A party of two and
I stuck my chin up and screamed:


        Artistic Dreams Meet Threshing Floor

Part one)

The poetry became a crucifix of my soul because
I thought myself a musician hardly in cognito and rebelled
Against systems immense that left my
Broadcast daydreams on the sheath pile on the threshing shack's floor.

(part two)

A glow surrounded her peaceful fortitude.
There were recycling bins around her heart.
They revealed their truths, and REALLY thought they were good.
Her creative genius couldn't be kept behind walls.
She wrote like a maniac Hemmingway at the


        Where the Hippies Have Gone

The astrologer that she loved
Was home from his meanderings,
Yet he didn't contact her
Right away.

Clean cut young urban professionals
Sit at tables, unwilling
To admit that they have no clue
As to the identity of their

Lofty goals.

With all my lovin',
3singingeagles Ma'hinahinahina Grady

And countin........


In Mah Mirror

You may print up, cut and paste, share and enjoy these poems for your own up close an' personal use.

If you wish to make money off these in any form, I want you to ask my permission, and preferably SHARE THE WEALTH and if you don't honor this request you'll be really really sorry.

LOVE, 3singingeagles Ma'hinahinahina Grady  :)

Click on any title that grabs you and you'll get to the poem. Man, I'm gettin' better at this ALL the time!
23 poems dedicated with unnatural love and lusty affection to the DNA strand!
1 First Poem Of The Millennium
2 Titanic Nightmares Spawn Realtime In-Poem Revelation
3 Christmas Hurricane
4 Not Thinking Of You
5  Train
6 Swan Song
7 Two
8 Action Subtracts Intellect
9 Blurred
10  The Silent Lovers Dancing On The Edge Of Y2K 
11 Digesting The Very Minute Seconds Even 
13 Scarlet Dance 
15 Re Flexible
16  Testronic Primal Therapy
17 When Any Sex Will Do
18 Where's That Shoelace Spell?
19 HH Love Greenhouse Shift
20 Slither, Isadora Clone!
21 Attached To Dead Words
22 Check Your Pies, Dear
23 Froth


First Poem Of The Millennium
Written on the morn of 1/1/00

Happy New Years love.
You are on my mind.
Happy New Years love.
Look how I find.
That another year has gone by
                        I still have not left YOU be hind!

Thought I had presence
Thought I had class
Thought that would increase as the
Year it did pass.
Out with the old
In with the new
I sure did not think
I'd still be haunt ed by you!

I've taken a
Few lovers
Since you've been gone-
But look where it leaves me-
New year's morning,
And I'm
Lone ly at dawn.
Guess it is true.
Not over you.
Still-------- on my
                  mi ind.

(musical bridge)

The troubadour
That I adore
She is sit tin here
Write in a song
But the
Woman of love
I'm dreaming of
Is in some back room
Passed out
On the floor!


Sure e nough

I can still find sex.

But- through it all.

My heart is vexed.

It's New Year's day,

And all I can say,

Is------- that I MISS you.

(Yes it's true)

Oh my sweet dear love
I still hold you close
In my heart and head
Though not in my bed
If you were here
You'd be there too my dear!
Cause it's New Year's day
And the deepest thing this writer can say,

Is that
Miss es you!
(It's true)
A bright sunny New Year's morn,
And the only song being born,
Screams out that I miss you!

Titanic Nightmares Spawn Realtime In-Poem Revelation

I wrote in green ink
To charm prosperity to my table
I walked with kings, poets, betted travelers,
Then, in my
Dreams I was like Kate-
Like Rose-
In "Titanic"
Loving fun
Rejecting the Rich cage
Yes, I was,

Unlike perhaps.

Hum, unlike
My real life (?) or
Perhaps not.

I'd mistress
For a place now.

I'd give sex in return for a home.

Couldn't Rose have at least married for an anchor?
To have a nice mansion where she could
After a respectable waiting period OF COURSE
Grab some precious things to make money for the
Journey with vagabond Poet-spirit Leo (Jack) ?

Oh Craig, would you give up all to live, wild, with ME
To travel with no safety net?
To get drunk and dance
When I finally coax
Your gypsy soul
Back to where
It belongs?

In my dreams,
Nightmares really,
You're so professional, so aloof,
In front of others AND when we're alone
Oh, SHIT, I suddenly know what that means!

You are the Rose in the
I am Jack!
Oh, my love, PLEASE
Come to me!
I'll brave the ice to make you mine!

Christmas Hurricane

There was quite a silence on the street when she stepped outside
It was that time on Christmas morning
That time- where kids are opening their presents
And/or just playing with them
Silence like the eye of the hurricane
Excitement before,
Enough to wake up parents for permission to open presents
Excitement after,
Out into the streets while Christmas dinners begin their cooking.

The eye of the hurricane called Christmas morning.


Not Thinking Of You

Just last night-
I thought seriously, that you were totally off my mind
(Though that I was thinking this disproved it right there)
Yet, anyways, this morning upon waking,
Well- in the kitchen 5-10 mins. afterwards, stirring the coffee, but---
Close enough to "upon waking"
There you were- on my skin
Making me aware of the area on my face called my "cheeks"
Tingling burning, actually, feeling like prickles you get from having ungloved hands in the snow for too long
Can I sneak into the movie theater
To see again the clip of you & me
Which must have been playing in dreaming time
At least to some extent
Maybe even just a clip
In a preview, a trailer, hey-
That's kinda funny, huh?
You n' me inna trailer-
Nah. We wouldn't be trailer trash
You and I together.

We would be flying canapés.

We would be jitterbug awareness'
On wet, white, snowflakes, we would be
Dancing bears with tambourines on top of our heads
Yes I declare
I swear
We'd be
Prosperous merchants
In the marketplace of strangers
Success written all over
Our lips burning with the essence
Of eachother
Pisces man it seems you
Came directly out of some fantasy of me
Clinging always to an illusion of some stolen twilight
You, me, a dog named Boo,
Yes- fears are here too near sweet dear we've tried
To pry them off our minds our eyes
Meet eachother, and the longing grows beyond words
In me you see beyond your little field
You remember who you were (are) and in
You there is- what? I have NO idea why
I love you so- your pompous
Outside veneer should have shucked my silk from your cob long enough ago
What are you REALLY, who are you REALLY, that I love that
Hidden being, so?
Intuiting its essence?
Are there REALLY past lives?
Is it that reincarnation exists and that's why we're so in love with eachother?
It must be as confusing to you as it is to me
There is nothing outwardly that you could POSSIBLY love about me

I'm crazy- for one-
Oh your parents would never approve of that
Your professored life would not hold that liquid in its container
And- a poet on top of that- how unpopular.
The lowest writer on the status pole,
And, of course, the POOR one---
Compounding all of it in its irony.
All of its substance.
No makeup- NO- MORE scandalous- JUST lipstick my
Hair is cut specifically to BE unrestrained-
Fingers fluffed then go no
Careful preening and care her
Is long and dyed and careful placed and her
Nails are never broken or raw
Her feelings. Surface skipping lightly happy
Why the fuck would you, did you, fall in love with me when everything is so comfortable with her on your records
This raw sweaty smelling of life sometimes divine to bliss²proportions sometimes decrepit
Gypsy spirit
Who arises, frequently,
With rambling poems to you
On her cheeks and
Flowing out of her pen
Making cum stains on the page
Which she licks off as if they
Were drops of your fluid, and,
Taking them into her body
Would somehow make you hers
Even though
She swears
She's not really
Thinking of you anymore.


What if you grabbed my soul and pulled it, sucking hard, into your life-
One of the most insane things we could think of,
With no rational explanation, we would be
Let's send this continental first class locomotive ride
Please- onto its regularly scheduled journey.

Swan Song

Dreamt of flying
             With Swans
Down Buffalo Street in Ithaca, flying
People saw me
It was noted as unusual
Down the sloping streets
Around the trees
To the swans
Spontaneous no
Walled pond in
Not interfering in traffic
Right hand lane swerves around I guess
Though I don't recall seeing any traffic doing so
(Woulda been downhill lane)
(Saw some uphill traffic, though, as I recall)
(In fact, think I drove up there a few times,
Was drivin a lot in the dream,
Did I pass the swans then,
Or were they only there for the flying scene?)

Round trees,
Had to flap my arms often,
Don't remember floating or gliding, had to work to keep my lift
Mama swans and baby swans
And probably Daddy swans
It would make sense if the daddy swans were missing
Considering how my life has gone
With daddy swans ditching and all
HEY- are there any places anymore where Daddy Swans don't ditch--
Amish country, perhaps?
Are ghettos devoid of
Daddy Swans ENTIRELY
(Swan season open,
Load those bullets,
Males only?)


Two pens short of a
Full nelson lady can you
Understand what for?

Two pens short of a
Full nelson mama can you-
Take any more?

Two candles short
On the birthday cake
Two sticks of butter short
Now your pie crust
Won't flake!

Two grains short
Of a mathematically perfect pyramid and
History wants to be set right!
Two coils short
Of a full snake skin
Two days too late
And a dollar too thin
Too old to cry and
Too sad to spin
I guess I'll just
Have to go out

With a grin!

I've got
Two handles on the bicycle
Outside the so da shop!
Two friends that really like me
So I think I'm gonna stop!
Two ten dollar bills in my pocket
That's even enough for lunch
My treat, my friends, be cause
Cause I like you a bunch!

Look- if a carbon copy of my
Life was hand ed down
I'd be mostly
pose ing with a
Smile notafrown.

If I had
A res i dent
See er with a ball
Of crystal they would
Just insist I
All read ee had it all
(Be cause I got)

Two cans
Of happ i ness
One in each breast corn er pock et
Two beau ti ful
Shin ing eyes
Each with its own socket
Two feet to walk run and ride
Two chambers of a
Heart in side

Oh Lord how I
Think I'll cry
With joy------
Oh boy-------

And there's more-------
(Oh yes, so much more)
In store
(Oh yes that is coming soon)
As life
Rolls on
For me----------!

Action Subtracts Intellect

Good morning to everything I've put aside and haven't wanted to look at.
What's happ'nin?
Want to roll a cigarette and roll over and play alive for awhile?
We could swim like seals in Key Piscane Bay.
Or Alaska somewhere.

Rollin rollin rollin.
All over my crazy hopes.
All over the he-will-love-me-even-though-I-don't-shave-my-legs hopes.

But, anyways, I DO know that,
For my sanity,
I must attempt to visit him.
So as to break this spell.
Either do it------
Tumble into each other------
Or get rejected-------
Something must give,
This cannot possibly go on much longer without my
Going COMPLETELY out of my


Someone talked
My ear almost off
In the sky yesterday I paused
Half-notes and half-tones were synonymous
Since things became quite homogenized.

All of the lines were blurred
(Distinguished reality)
They were softened, pastels smeared together by a finger
What exactly WAS the purpose
Of making separate words
If they were all gonna end up
Blurred together like that


"Distinguish this"
I said.

The Silent Lovers Dancing On The Edge Of Y2K

Volumes of writing threatened to emerge from formally unwilling pens.
They were juiced up NOW

The millennium was nearly upon her.
2 helpings of rice later,
She burped curry,
Her sinuses properly opened to signals from the outer spiritual realms.

Will people be desperately making love on New Years Eve,
Thinking it may all soon be over?

Do you talk too excessively when you finally declare your love to that special someone?
Or are you quiet.
Very very quiet?
In hopes of course that a passionate kiss,
That an embrace,
May fill in,
The silence?

Digesting The Very Minute Seconds Even

In the morning green golden rays predicted a tide of blood
I opened my eyes and mouth,
I wasn't missing a SECOND of this-----

I know who I am so it doesn't
Matter what others do
Or do not know about me.

Know your own cleanliness.


Last evening as she lay in the still-warm ashes of her numerous expectations,
Someone doused the fire with moonshine and
The explosion was sexually stimulating from her FEET up to her HEAD.

"Why hadn't I let someone into my heart like I longed to?
I was!"
(She protested)
None too loudly I may add okay?

She went up to watch the stars from her bedroom and lonely coffee painted the walls.
She was disturbed.

She was not ready to hear resplendent things about him.
Not from THESE lips
And so,
She persevered,
And spoonfed,
Every dream,

She quivered as he tied her wrists to the bedposts.
She would trust him.

She would.

Scarlet Dance

Scarlet came there with her.
It was not Alazerian Crimson.
She called to him
Come, come, please, come to me already
You can wash out the opaque pigmentation
Can add white and make it pink
Oh god- don't you know-
I'd let you do
Anything with my colors--------------
Anything with my soul----------------
Don't you
Know my
Throat tightens around your possibleness
Smelling you- close enough- to breathe in- you are

Pump me full of your wake up juice
Make me dance all night.


He used his sexuality like a club,
A weapon was it to him
He'd bludgeon them with his lust
And leave them without blankets
Or hot chocolate.

Re Flexible

My cheeks burn for you.
My body burns.

Did someone bring me coffee and croissants in the morning?
Did they?
Did they?

I was visiting you every morning.

We had established a connection from our bellies to each other.

You can keep track of me on your journeys

All of my colors have run into each other.
I'm flexible again.

Testronic Primal Therapy

She woke up,
To the men,
Sitting around in a circle,
Ready to drug her.

She wasn't aware breakfast was spiked,
Somewhere in there,
She probably was.

One after one they made her a sack of flesh and bones in the dirt as they
Pounded out everything everyone had done to THEM without THEIR consent


When Any Sex Will Do

They wrote an epistle about her life.
They caressed her like never before.
They held her in their awful minds
And felt light tugging there.
Their old method, making her the whore, didn't work.
They pictured holding her down and committing unspeakable acts on her body
And, after ejaculation, found themselves feeling her head resting on their shoulder
Her grateful hands around their waists
Her soft body pressed contoured and breathing the length of theirs.

Where's That Shoelace Spell?

The magician walked down the road.
He kicked a candy wrapper that had been wadded up and flung out of somebody's hand.
He picked it up.
A boy about------- 11.
Short brown hair.
Impatient by day not by nature.
One sneaker lace is broken,
On the right side,
And he hasn't replaced it cause he hates having to lick and twist
The end of the thread to fit it through the small hole.

HH Love Greenhouse Shift

I worked,
In the "field house of love".
Everything was solid.

They were doing potato experiments and were not wary enough.

I dreamed of putting your flesh on my tongue and inhaling you deeply.

Slither, Isadora Clone!

There's a lizard sleeping on my window.
It looks good there I think.
I'll stay awhile it must be thinking.

Your words, mi love, twist & shout!

I remember when he first met me.
He thought I was ungrounded cause I didn't wear shoes
(Oh my god, and those clothes of yours are shocking and)
(God you remind me of Isadora Duncan)
(Do you know how she bit it?
Do ya?

Attached To Dead Words

Strum me,
On your window-pane its Cannons
Those sacred writings
You cling to it

Must be really cold in there.

Check Your Pies, Dear

Take my ankles in your hard hands

My legs have been sizzored apart by you now
There is no turning back
Have you set the temperature for your pies at 350 Fahrenheit have you
Lost ALL of your senses? Hum?


Open at last it seemed I would be
It was some kind of suffocated destiny it was
Can I leave my expectations aside again,
They've given me shelter in their illusory ways
Patina of hopefulness painted over top of them--------
I HAVE left everything
So why hasn't the dancer gotten accolades for her
EXCEPTIONAL vision that
She has.
A rascal without too much supervision
My drinking buddy was
My saliva was WAY holy-ized THAT time
The narrow breadth of your seemingly detached continence
Left me gasping, your love brew
Was thick and frothy, foamy, leaving foam mustaches on
What used to be my happiness.


Please enjoy these poemz, print em up, share em, but ask permission to make any money off them. Tanks, uh?

Love, 3singingeagles  :)

23 Poems lovingly dedicated to the DNA strand, on the eve of the year 2000  :)
1 Nice Girls Don't Wear Red
2 Keep The Enigma
3 Cleaning Day
4 Explaining Poppies
5 Alien
6 Praying For Death
9 The Writer's Wished For Lover
10 Oracle Pie Served Warm
11 On The Waterline
12 Cassandric Wonderings
14 Artistic Birthright
15 Pokemon Burps, Bursts Self Absorbed Dreaming
16 An Open Letter To All Roosters
17 Any Kind Of Dream
18 Could It Be Bad?
19 Post Sex Monumental Solstice
20 My Bones Know The Wind
21 One Foot In Front Of The Other
22 Insisting On Excellent
23 Strange Clouds
Nice Girls Don't Wear Red

Opening up-
The top of her hope-
She's come to her truth-
Fare thee well-
Fair the knee well-
While all bend upon it-
Praising some great tin God-
Cycloning past the apocalypse-
Wine in caskets-
Nobody swimming bogus-
My heart wide open like the sea,
Shut tight like the mouth of a salmon,
River of hesitancy & hope-
Blended as I think of you.

You DO know that there's someone
Out here
Your name on tables

Hopelessly devoted to you, she weeps
Big crocodile tears run down her face
In foreign arms familiar she visualizes
The shudders and tears of him
Are yours dear buddy

Nice girls don't
Wear red- they
Bury their heads in their hands and
Pray for rain.

Keep The Enigma

I started my hand moving in the book.

I was well aware of the style.

No one need nudge me- I coughed and 200 years of crying commenced.

A shadow fell over the tomato vines.
I clasped your hands.
You are a mystery.
The Enigma Popsicle (tm) of my hopes
2 good to fire, clay receptive,
Peak experiences,
Pluses and minuses,
Stuck up is more honest a phrase
Then high class

Cleaning Day

She kept the walkway clean the
Counters. Swept the
Breadbasket of all crumbs
Peaceful continence
Apples before carts
Oranges between my legs
Onlookers experiencing tension
Wondering if I am going to
Squeeze them.

Explaining Poppies

Drug addicts poppy eaters,
March to their drummer the one
Only they can hear.

Trying to explain where you've come from is often

Extremely complicated

At best.


Sometimes even the smallest things can kill a person's spirit.
Sometimes only laying down and preparing to die can shock the proverbial monkey.
Unfortunately I have too much going on for that,
So I must die another way.
I will stop smiling & talking.
I will stop dancing around as if I belonged here.
I don't.
I'm an alien everywhere.
Each place I turn folks are trying to make me small.
VERY very small.


Praying For Death

How can I handle the terrible and true consequences of my folly?
Left without a word,
Nightmares leave me awake crying in front of children,
But unwilling to elaborate to them.
I want to die-
SO much-
Oh God (right, like there even IS one)
Put me,
And it seems,
The rest of the world,
Out of my misery.








How come you fawn like that? I
Why do you race with your legs rubbing together I
What is the reason you dream of things that everyone and their brothers (should they have them)
(we all are)
Say are impossible I

I yi yi
Had no answers
Except that my brain was
Really really really tired
From the question-noise.


The Writer's Wished For Lover

It's pretty damn near impossible to wake up to the sound of Mother Ocean pounding the shore,
With stars shooting all the WAY around,
Without feeling an extreme sense of awe and wonder.

Once upon a time on such a morning as this, the retired writer in the sun sat in the dark-promising-light time of the morning,
The tail of the hour of the wolf,
Waiting for the dawn and questioning her own very sanity.

She felt him on her skin and in her bones.
He would have to give up everything that his "life" had come to be known to him-
His status,
Position in society,
Tiny house,
His lady would take it all from him and cast dark ill-scented shadows on what remained if he became my lover.

"Perhaps"- the writer entertained her mind a little and the light returned to her side of the earth a little more,
Gradually now,
That's right,
Gentle gentle gentle now,
We could be lovers so secretly-
So discreetly-
That no one knows.
This way he could keep his comfy life and we could have each other too."

But she knew that was ridiculous.
They hadn't even kissed,
Or embraced,
And it was,
Way too obvious.

Oracle Pie Served Warm

There was a life beyond this one,
But we weren't sure of it anymore.
Two times came the Solstice-
Always growing, in love, and yet no more immense than the sounds of our voices clapping aloud,
In unison.

I wrote a trailer of tears (stars).
No one grasped my hand.
Hankies came out.
Then they rushed the day.
Seize it.
Come alone.
Towers are peaceful.
Artists are on for size.
In a perfect world everyone would love you.
That's why shutdowns occur.
Overenergized, again, I carry grains of sand in my swollen eyelids.
Two decades of evolution, four of devolution,
Just where do we go from here mystic woman of light-
Tell me now-
You are the oracle-
Never ancient.

On The Waterline

Don't suck me into your pain, please
I have been crying lately
And there are quotas.

Cassandric Wonderings

Another morning, and
I'm still not sure what I'm here for.
It's like a convention of crows with tenderhooks as button eyes.
Someone admires the book I'm reading-
So what-
I falter frequently,
Searching my soul for a daylight which ever-eludes me.
So much work, so much time,
So many things to do and to think about
Feeling how ones metabolism wakes up...... feeling the change cascade & sweep over their (ours) bodies......
feeling it.......
Not ever over........
A jewel among those on a crowned tiara,
Yet each easy to see and distinguish as its own.

Tired of speaking and not ever being believed,
Cassandra retires alone to her own villa,
To breathe.


The little girl had memories of her Mother.
Singing while driving-
That was a big one.
Cuddling her.
Crying a lot.
Big ones.
Big sloppy wet warm mixed ones.
A blender of feelings.
Her mom.
Her mommy.

Artistic Birthright

(Written for the Maui Artist's Showcase, with love)

You breathe
You are an artist
You have blood
You are an artist
The moon moves the large quantity of water in your body
Reach your hands out
Begging: "Feel my artists soul!"
And we say, come
Artist spirit
Breathe out your art
Yes, be a part, synergistic dance
Let's support each other
Let's breathe together
On the Maui Artists showcase.

Did someone hypnotize you
Tell you strongly,
Or often, That you were not an artist?
We will de-hypnotize together.
Did someone program you
To feel unmagnificent?
We will deprogram together.
At the Maui Artists Showcase.

Unwounded, healed
Together, feel
Support, strength
Going, to every length
Painting our ecstasies across the stars
Hand in hand, now, joy IS ours
YOU are the surprise
Nothing impossible.

Know that it's true
The resplendent, breathing,
Artist you.
Arise! Awake!
No mistakes!
Let's be Muses for each other,
Oh sisters, oh brothers,
So clear,
Right here,
At the Maui artists showcase.

So be it.

Pokemon Burps, Bursts Self Absorbed Dreaming

She was a famous teacher.
Actually, more like a saint.
Many people claimed to love her beyond words,
Yet she could count on the fingers of one hand their sincerity.
Poems flowed from her pen- and- printed- onto the pages of Maui Time Magazine.
She became sort of the Poet-Lauriate of the Island Of Maui.
Morning and,
At the table,
Pages pour,
Coffee spills like a burp from the little to-go-hole on plastic top,
Makes a Pokemon pattern on the black surface of the small outdoor table,
Or so it seems,
To a modern day mom who has Pokemons in her dreams as well as her
Chairs, tables, car, coffee stains,
Jigg a lee puff.................

An Open Letter To All Roosters

They clip your wings in farmlands
But I see you
Wild in the trees-
You've shown your unedited face to me
You've charmed snakes, and pagented kings,
You've rode shaman-breath onto the church steeple,
Rolled around in imaginary gutters,
You've cried aloud:
And, when disproved,
Have never fallen- or missed a beat-
You declare:
"Well- maybe I didn't make it rise but I
Honored it each morning with song just the same-
Could you say as much for yourself?

A true Shaman is not attached to the Mystery of their talents
When they are exposed,
They laugh, twirl, have a clever comeback
Otherwise, they were never true Shamans
To begin with mist
Rises from the rooster's breath
Sunrise honored for what its worth, but more-
Hey- look! Crowing at the moon
Bright in the Solstice sky
Of lightning bolt dreams
From its perch
High in
A wild,
Strong standing,
Always green,

Any Kind Of Dream

Someone opened up their eyes and said:
What? A rooster poem again?

Another one faltered, reaching for sky-clouds that no one could see
Trying to enjoy the beach, and everything else she surveyed, she rolled over in bed-
Picnicked at the beach park near the playground
Where she thought of her children laughing

The empty womb of her heart,
Ouch! She said- like ET in the movie
Owee! (Her heart)
Sabotage is not a real verb
It's only a noun in sheep's clothing

She never spoke to her Mother again
After that fateful day
Roses and red wine
Scattered across the desert of her soul

She stopped being brainwashed that she was dependent on
The kindness of strangers,
Or any 12 step programs,
Or any one,
Or any electricity,
Any phones or any homes or any laughter hear it
In the rain, or any
Dreams, nor
Any schemes, or even-
Any parts, played
In this drama of life- of
Any hopes or
Any dopes that
Believe you cope by
Having jobs and cars and houses and
Shiny new pickup trucks and
Luck not despair and
Care not unaware and
Awakeness when roosters crow
All over your head oh
Don't you know
Opening daylight,
Opening 5,000 years of dreaming,
She wonders aloud at her
Unusual predicament.

MY life
All of it?
All of it?
Invest in troubled dreams?
ALL of them?
ALL of them?

Forever and now.
Turnkey business.
Lost weekend.
Empty tears.
Showers at noon.
Nothing but silence.
Peace preferring daylight.
Night is here.
Not a habit, but a happening.
Not a sunrise, but, instead,
A pathetic attempt at
Some kind of,
Any kind of,

Could It Be Bad?
(First draft of what looks like a bluesy-tune)

We eat
Spaghetti in bed
And I swear
He cares
And HE helps my head

So tell me now.
Could that be baaaadd------------------

I sit in his mango tree
And write weird poetry
While chickens play under me
And scratch at the dirt
While the rooster bosses
And the hens flirt

Hike up my skirt
And wrap my limbs
A round his tree

Feels good to me
So tell me now
Could that be bad?

By the

Full----- moon


Do----- spoon!

Drink strong coffee,
And watch-
Late night TV.
He puts his hand on my knee.
I giggle with glee.
Now you tell me-
(Tell me the truth)
Could that----- be bad?

Oh, he is- so strong.
And I hold him- so long.
Deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep-
The night!

An- ow-all hoots,
Yet makes no sound with his wings!
Nature it sings,
When he's in me,
Could that-be-baaad?

We eat spaghetti in bed,
Sauce all over our mouths,
Smearing all over our heads,
And the spreads,
And the bed,
Should we be cooth instead?

Eat in a proper way?
Like people do these days?
When its such a treat-
The way that we eat-
Could it be bad?
Could it be bad?

In such a long long time
The best thing that I've had

It just


Be bad!

Post Sex Monumental Solstice

I ate too many cupcakes for breakfast
My dawn boomed sensual knowledge- it wasn't meek
Solstice cleansed itself in the morning, I guess as a preparation
Yet smelling like animals and sex
Would have been, really, fine too.

The day screamed, maybe a little too loudly (though that is judgmental, come to think of it) that it was NOT hostile
And worse (more judgmentalness now, yeah?) it screeched it into a cell phone
The recipients ears ringing (I imagined, sitting satiated)

In a cafe everything criss-crosses
Society, the world, whipped cream, crumb-seeking birds,
Everything yet you can heal everything you can hear
At crossroads.

There's injustice implied in screaming
Memories of last nights lovemaking would have softened it
Had it happened to him............

White chocolate and whipped cream is something around my wet moist mouth
My body is content
So its easy for me to judge the screaming from afar
At the crossroads
Aloof at the cafe table
Sperm on my thighs, or the memory recent of the same
Can do that to my cheeks, roseing them.


My Bones Know The Wind

Call------------- the wind!
Call the gracious, the forgiving, wind!
Call------------- the wind
Because I know the wind quite well
(These days these days)
Quite well
(These days these days these days)
Really well
(These days these days these days)

REAL well!

One Foot In Front Of The Other

So it's one more day in the play

One more crazy time

One more day disenfran chised
Feel that I have loose
My grasp

Insisting On Excellent

It's really time to be done with pleasing everybody.
My life has turned-
Not like cream to butter-
But like a tool on the lathe.
Cutt cutt cutt sharpen turn.
This has not been pleasurable.
But it will be from now on.
I'll insist on it.

Strange Clouds

My God this is so intense the
String of the challenges with no visible recompense
Is the offering, somehow, worse than the cure
Is it possible that I can't take it anymore
Is the light all oh too bright for my eyes

Skies leaving tophats

Shapes of clouds
That seem rather
Strange to me.

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