All about Me

All about Me

All About Me!

Basic Stuff...

My Name:Jenny
My Nicknames:Jen, Jennerz, Jenn-ay, Specky, Salpeach, Salpictro, Princess of Nasty, Kameesha, Sally, Chuck, Chuckie, HORNDOG
My Birthday:March 28th
Zodiac sign:Aries
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Green :)
My School:Marian High
Sports:Volleyball (middle blocker and outside hitter #17) and other random stuff like occasional running, swimming, biking, skiing, ice skating and other stuff like that
Other School Stuff: Student Council
Love Status:Taken by my baby Mike <3 10.21.00 <3
My Favorite Color:Blue
Favorite Ice Cream Flava: Cookie Dough, Mint Chocolate Chip, Cookies n Cream
My Favorite Number: 17
Favorite things to do on the weekend: Chill, play pool, go to the mall, movies, restaraunts, hockey games, drive around, other random stuff Favorite Bands/Singers etc: Sublime, Blink 182, No Doubt, Bee Gees, Marvin Gaye, anything with a good beat to dance to
Favorite Stores:American Eagle, DELIAS, Weathervane, Aeropostale, Abercrombie & Fitch
Favorite Perfume:Giogiou Beverly Hills
Favorite Cologne on a Guy: Abercrombie or Cool sexy
Ethnic background: Half Italian, half Irish

What my name means...

The name Jenny gives you a strongly independent and highly creative nature, with drive and ambition to have experiences and accomplish things out of the ordinary. You can work intently at whatever is new and holds your interest at the moment, but your interest wanes quickly when drudgery and monotony set in. Obstacles to your progress or restrictions on your freedom to act create a sense of frustration which may cause you to feel resentful and even rebellious. You can then become intolerant of others, and caustic and belittling in your expression, thereby imposing stress on your personal relationships. Although you have a clever, quick, capable mind, your progress in life is restricted by instability in your affairs and misunderstandings with people. Your impulsive nature can lead to actions which you later regret taking, or to accidents. Relaxation is elusive, and depletion due to nervous tension can develop to the point where you become subject to moods of depression and morbid thoughts. Nervous tension centres in the solar plexus, with nervous indigestion and stomach ulcers a possible result.

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