Freshmen Memories

So, our freshman year is over :,( I have so many memories from last year and I decided to post them on here so that we could all remember! :)

~"seafoam" (the word that started it all)
~za vikings on za viking ship wis za viking socks!Holga, Helga, Hilga, Olga, and Bett! (Me, Manderz, Emm-Dog, Meg and Kim)
~"cha cha boochie, cha cha cha boochie -roll call!" You gotta love the Spartan Cheerleaders!
~Mango - "you can't hava da Mango!"
~Those Jeans by the side of the road! (I think some gay guys were * by the side of the road and a truck hit them and..."~Kristin-lol)
~Shopping for cow apparel
~BALLS! -Ok, Lake Placid is definately the funniest movie. How many times did we hafta rewind that one, Em?
~"Thank you Officer F*ckmeat! -Another good one from Lake Placid!
~the squirrel -omg, that was funny. I still have your card, Em!
~SUPERFLY! "Who's your daddy? It's me, It's me! Ya know WHY I'm yo daddy? Cuz I did this to yo mama!" (EM,KM,VH,KM-4/28/00)
~Shaving (Jay?)
~Conversations about banking, especially making transactions - Damn, I won't forget these Jay!
~Trashbag Ted n Hobag Helga - LOL Nick!
~Pizza -omg, Kim that was disgusting! argh!
~Twix Bars: The Official Snack Food of The King & I
~You have urine in your vas deferens, Jimmy?! That's not even funny!!~Ms. Erving - OMG Ellen, I have never laughed that hard! We will all miss B Block Bio w/Ervs!
~St Johns dances!-Kate! Argh!
~Matt Gestures, Kate! Holy God!
~Ervs: "Kate, whats a skin doctor called?"
Kate: "Urrhhha, I dunno"
Me: "Dermatologist, Kate! Come on!!"
Ervs: "Jenny, you don't know what a dermatologist is?"
Me: "Yea, I do. I was just making fun of Kate!"
~Baby Got Back! (How many times did I play that?)
~Major squealage! Meghan, how many times were we on the phone, squealing??
~"Yaaa, I'm from Northa Dakota!" (Me, Manderz, Jake, Nick)
~Veronica, THAT NUN! The night of the Semi, watching that nun on TV at 2 am! That was wicked funny!
~takin the elevator -never gotten caught-yah baby!
~Takin pictures in Spanish- Paul,Lee,Joe,Manderz:That was just too funny!
~Riding "the bus" - Joe, does the bus EVER run out of gas?
~"FREE! SWITCH!" Ahh, Volleyball. (Kate, Em)
~"moose-cheetah!" (Emily, It's a middle thing!)
~Full of Grace-Kate, that was a great movie..."I hafta get back to my laundromat!" "The Virgin mother is talking...FULL OF GRACE!"
~Why didnt anyone pick 69? (A classic Matt moment)
~Who?? (And yet another)
~skank tankz
~fillet o fish!
~el muy retardo
~el roomo-de-homo
~cruise director suits! OMG, Manderz n Joe! The Murkee!
~"get down and dirty!" (Me, Manderz, Mark, Steve)
~o spite, o hell (A Midsummer Night's Dream Emily!)
~spiritual journey! (Emily - volleyball)
~random trees (LOL)
~see-saw crossing (LOLOLOL)
~holy bastard!
~ DOG SHOW! "Mr. Bojangles is really a girl!" "Mr. David Larry is a homosexual"-"Maybe I am, and Maybe I am!"
~Halloween!! "Police! Quick-jump into that bush!!!" TP-ing with Kate and Em!
~The Pact with Fong! Rob, we shook on it, remember?
~Cobra Daddy, Tom! I am your Python!
~Ok, everyone - *** check! Is he at this lunch?! Ok, I can't do anything stupid!
~Geometry class with Kelly! I never noticed that Mr. Morse is actually really funny!
~Track - 100 and 200 w/Kelly!
~Volleyball - aaah, the memories! I luv all you guys! The volleyball bus was the shits, but practice sucked!
~Millenium dance -What can I say, I luv to dance!
~Semi 2000- That night was so fun! Everyone looked absolutely gorgeous! 4/28/00
~SKI TRIP! - I can't even begin to sum up this trip! That was so much fun...
~Our shitty-ass room(The Tollroad suite)! It was about the size of a closet! The only good thing was that it overlooked the HOT TUB! ROWR!
~Remember the mix tape?
~Shootin Pool
~Emily was videotaping everything! Remember watching it out on the 'balcony'? (EM, AM, JB, TO)
~The King & I- That was so much fun!
~REBELS!-Mike, you and I are such badasses! Are you wearing your hat?

Well, just because the year is over, the memories don't hafta stop!
At the end of the summer, I'll be coming out with Summer 2000 memories.
And then of course I'll have Sophomore memories!

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