The Latest From *Jenny*

The Latest From *Jenny*

What's up?
Yea yea...I know I haven't really been *updatin*
this recently, but I've been pretty busy with school. I'm kinda bored so I think I'm gonna start updating it more frequently.
I just did some updating on my All About Me page to make it a lil more current and I'm gonna start working on the shoutouts real soon!
I've also gotta get someone to take the time ((I *know* it's long guys!)) to fill out my brand *spanking* new Getting To Know You survey. C'mon guys! Volunteer!
While I'm here, I'd like to _SHOUT OUT_ a couple people...A big HaPPy 16th to my girl Veronica
and I'd like to say <3I Love You<3 to my *Mikey*.
And while you guys are here...could ya sign my guestbook ? Spanks!!
~Jenny :)

The Week In Review

Great thing of the week ~ I got my dress for Prom :)
Crappy thing of the week ~ Failed (another) Bruno quiz
Cool thing of the week ~ Three *SnOwDaYs* in a row! Woohoo!
Most overused phrase of the week ~ "Nerd Alert!"
Sweet new joke of the week ~ hmmmm....none really
Song of the week ~ "Missing You"
Overall Score of the week ~ *8*

..:.. Newz ..:..

..:.. Getting To Know You ..:..

..:.. All About Me ..:..

..:.. Shoutouts ..:..

..:.. Memories ..:..

..:.. Luvs ..:..

..:.. SMACK ..:..

..:.. Quotes ..:..

..:.. Fun Stuff ..:..

..:.. Links ..:..

..:.. Poll ..:..

..:.. Form ..:..

..:.. Mail ..:..

You are listening to *Santeria* by Sublime

This page was last *updated* on March 8th, 2001!

*~ Whazzzzzzuuuuuhh to Kate, Mikey <3, Kelly, Fong, Nicole, Ellen, Veronica, Amanda, Galuzzo, Erin, Rachel, Jenna, Kristin, Tom, Jay, Jeremy, Mike P, Chip, Jess, Sarah, Shauna, Claire, Nick, Joey, Dandy Andy, Dee, Ashley, Joe, KBerts, Ariana, and Emily!!! ~*

