*Jenny's* Links

The Spark! (Take the purity test!)
Wanna laugh at a boy band? "The Freak Show"
Hey! Let's all laugh at N*SYNC! :)
SRV~Lose something? Is it your virginity? Want it back? (HAHA Kristin!)
For the ladies: Certified Bitches
For the fellas: Heartless Bastards
Are you a pervert? Click here to find out!
Think your a freak? Naw! Just find your PHOBIA!
American Eagle
The Weathervane
Abercrombie & Fitch
Pacific Sunwear
J. Crew
The GaP
Girlfriends LA
The Limited
Austin Powers
The Late Show with David Letterman
South Park Universe
It's All One Big Scary Movie...SCREAM!
Siskel and Ebert movie reviews
The International Society For Paranormal Research
The Karma Homepage
Slap A Spice Girl! (((Fun game...try it out!)))
Get an ESheep!!!
Kate's Hot Stuff
The Lunchlady---What's for lunch?
Online Greeting Cards!

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