Stuff I Luv :)

blue nail polish
Saturday Night Live {Spartan Cheerleaders, Mango, Ladies Man, Martha Stewart, Dog Show}
chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
guys' cologne (
the feeling you get when you buy a new outift and it looks really good
the telephone {what a great invention...}
fall clothes! (Ok, does everyone know about my thing with fall clothes?? Nicole!)
laughing ridiculously at really really stupid stuff
making faces at people through car windows
feeling like you've accomplished something great
chocolate chip cheese cake from Mike's Pastry in the North End!
the way it smells after it rains in the springtime
"Dancing Queen" by Abba
grinding and dancing in general
American Eagle
the Delia*s catalogue
caffienated beverages! (Pepsi and Coke...ahhhh)
American Pie! {"Stiffler! F*ck!" ~ "Sherman! What the f*ck are YOU doin here?" ~ the Shermanator}
that really cute smirking thing that guys do
listening to music really really loud and dancing around my room
lollipops :)
walking on the beach at low tide
signing on AOL and seeing that all of your favorite people are online :)
when teachers do really stupid/funny things unintentionally
scented candles
wintergreen flavored Tic Tacs!

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