*Jenny's* Shout Outs

*Jenny's* Shout Outs

Haha! Look; its me and some of my girliez at the Semi!
{From left to right: Kristin, Amanda, Veronica, Emily, Ellen, Kate, Me and Kelly!}

Kristin: Hey babe! It sucks that we don't have more classes together, but at least we get to chill in Algebra! Mr. Bruno: "I'm gonna rip ya papah and rip and rip it until I don't have the STRENGTH to rip it anymah!" Haha! And STOP BURPING dammit!

Amanda: Manderz! It's me, Jennerz! I'm so glad we have Spanish together! We can write things in our books again...like "go" and "mano trabajo"! Haha!

Veronica: Hey hey Ronnie! Congrats on hookin it up with Joe! You guys are so cute! I'm so glad I have someone to suffer through Chem with...Sr. Adrienne argh! :)

Emily: Hey Em, I'm hoping you're having fun at NHS. I miss you! I will always remmeber this summer at Plymouth! CARD SHARK! The fat guy! Playing spoons! Hehe! I hope to see you soon!

Ellen: I really miss chillin with ya in Ervings class! But at least we have lunches together!...Even though I'm always the last person to get to lunch!

Kate: Volleyball has been mad cool this year. "Oh...I thought it was yours" And remember the TURKEY SANDWICH SONG?!?! Hahaha!

Kelly: Kelly, I love our locker complex!! I'm so glad I sit behind you in Algebra. Remember "You're number one". English class is cool, and I'm glad that you like my cool haikus! "Kelly is a smart girl, It's too bad she smokes crack, Go to drug rehab" I can't believe you read that!! hehehe

Meghan: Hey Meg, I don't see you so much anymore! But at least we have superhero-cool Spanish together! "Uh, yeah...I think it's game time. Yea, time for a game, ok."

Jess: Jess! Haven't seen you in a while! We'll hafta get together soon! We can *chill* hehe. I still have some great memories of this summer...at the movies abd the guy with the foot odor, NSYNC and that dancing girl!lol!

Mike: Hi Mikey!! <3 I'm lovin the hat! I think I'll prolly take it again sometime soon. This time I'll make you work for it!~"catfood" Oh, and make sure you don't drive off the road... ;)

Fong: Hey hey Rob! I love dreaming about you...hehe. Don't worry, you're not dead! We were ballroom dancing remember?(lol)

Jay: Hey Jay...don't get to see you much anymore! What's up with that huh? I'll always have great memories of this summer though! And you'll hook me up on Halloween? hehe

Tom: I am so glad we have study together! We always have a good time...especially writing in your journal. "I see blood and evil clowns everywhere! Die die! I must meet my fiery grave! Today I bought my mother some tulips at the store. I love life..." hehehe!!

Nicole: Nicole, who's stupid? That's just phucktabulous! Hehehe! I'm so glad you're in my math class...we can do our homework together every night, hehe.

Erin: Hey there ya horndog! Horndogs for life!! Hehee! Your party was so much fun. Did you like your shirt? Graberbootie and Pinch! :)

Jeremy: Hey hey Jeremy....How U doin? Haha. You've gotta remember...Scooby Doo and Garfield! Best cartoons ever!

Nick: How are the cows? Ya!

Mike P: Hey Mike, haven't talked to you in a long time! Hope all is well with you!

Joe: I miss Spanish class with you! It's just not the same! But I'm really glad that we still talk! And congrats with Veron!! :) I hope you're having fun at MHS!

Keri: Heeeeeeeeey KBERTS! Go #11! Haha...volleyball is awesome. I'm so glad we've become friends. And don't give up on a certain someone...you know he sweats you!! :)

Rachel: Hey hey Rachel! I'm glad that we've got Religion together again! And thank you sooooo much for making me my sign...that was so sweet!! :)

Ariana: What up babe? I'm so glad that we've become friends this year...religion class is mad fun!:)

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