When you think you really know someone, and you find something out that you never would have expected.
All this bullshit pressure that we face on a daily basis
When people start talking and I'm not included in the conversation initially and I can't really hear what they're saying. I tend to get all defensive and say "stop talking about me!"
people that perm their hair and put baby oil in it (argh!!)
when people can't take a joke
when you are goofing off, acting kinda stupid but still having a good time, and people give you this really gay look and act like they are way cooler than you
when you IM someone and they never IM you back
2 words: the C-word and the T-word (uuugh)
people that wear too much eyeliner and still think it looks really good when, in fact, they only look like they applied clown makeup in the dark while spinning around in a circle and tap dancing.
thinking you did really well on a quiz or test and then find out you did really badly instead
friggin stupid Spanish teachers
Andie on Dawson's Creek-what a little pain in the ass. She's such a little prissy girl and she's a mental case as well. Anyone that would dump any charecter played by Joshua Jackson is a complete loser in my book.
bathing suit shopping
when computers freeze (grrrr) and then you hafta restart them (sometimes MULTIPLE times) and by the time you are able to get back online, all of your friends have gotten off
chapped lips---how uncomfortable. And they're not exactly a turn on
People that go completely crazy at sporting events and cannot contain themselves. It's great to get into the game and show support for your team, but there comes a point where you just hafta stop. It's like, Jesus...calm the hell down.
People that are overly nice to you for no reason. These people piss me off and make me suspicious. It's great to be a nice person, but if you start calling someone that you just met "hun", "babe" or "sweety", there is something wrong with you. It's just so fake.
the way that guys think it's really really cool to wait 3 days (or more) before calling a girl. Hey Fellas, I've got news for ya...pulling this shit is NOT a good way to get a girl interested in you. It's annoying and inconsiderate and any guy that pulls that shit on me gets the boot. Besides, do you guys REALLY THINK that us girlies are gonna wait for your sorry asses to call?
People that think they are REALLY important, or really hott, or really funny, or really smart...and are REALLY just self-absorbed losers that place themselves above everyone else. These vain egomaniacs pride themselves on being able to use their looks or "popularity" to get them ahead in life. I've got news for ya...looks and popularity don't last long. Congratulations, you're the real loser in life.
When you practice something to no end, finally get better...and no one freakin notices. How about a little acknowledgement for some hard work and determination? How about maybe noticing that someone put blood, sweat and tears into accomplishing something and give them a pat on the back??
When you tell a guy about a girl that you met and the first question out of their mouths is, "Is she hott?"...for Christ's sake, get over it.
People that criticize other people and then can't take any harsh criticism themselves...If you can dish it out, you sure as hell better be able to eat it.
When you have some really cool nail polish on and it looks mad good and then the next day it chips. I mean--come on! It's not a big deal, but it's just enough to annoy you.
When you feel bad about something and don't feel like talking to someone and then they turn it around by making it into something about THEM. "Oh, so you're mad at me now?"...Maybe things AREN'T about you! Can you grasp that concept!?!
When people don't fight fair. If you want to have an arguement with someone, that's just fine. But don't play dirty. That's just sleazy.
People that are overly homophobic. I cannot stand name calling and gay bashing. Taunting, teasing and name calling are spiteful and cruel. Who the hell do you think you are to be judging someone and giving them hell for the way they live their life?? Mind your own f-ckin business, and while you're at it...maybe you should pull your head out of your ass.
The way that people stare at you in stores...just because you're a teenager and they figure you'll steal something. Jesus Christ, do I look like I'm gonna steal something? Just because I'm a teenager? F-ck you. It's called discrimination, and you can just kiss my ass.

The thoughts and opinions expressed on this page are not meant to offend anyone. They are simply things/people/events/etc. that annoy, irk or otherwise piss me off. You are entitled to your own opinion, as am I.

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