THE LOWDOWN: With LOVE STORY, Jeff wanted to try his hand at crossing a dance beat with a ballad. The meshing of the two styles results in this interesting mid-tempo groove. "I wrote LOVE STORY in ballad form but I didn't want it to be just a ballad. I thought it would be interesting to sing it in a style similar to ballad but surround it by a faster paced beat, almost something you could get your dance on to. I even dropped a rap in the middle of it. It comes out sounding pretty mid-tempo. This track has a little bit of everything."
WRITING LOVE STORY: "When I was writing LOVE STORY, I wanted to make multiple references to Stories, Writing, and Books. I thought it would be fun to relate feelings and instances to the things having to do with actual stories and the creating of stories. Pages, paper, writing...these words all have to do with Stories, yet they're intermingled into the lyrics and used to highlight feelings and thoughts on a real relationship."

click here to listen to a wav clip from: "LOVE STORY"
STYLE: R&B Ballad
THE LOWDOWN: "EVERY DAY, EVERY NIGHT catches the true essence of what it is like to miss somebody. The song touches a universal feeling. We all have people in our lives who we miss...maybe a lover who we broke up with, someone who moved far away, someone who has passed on. It's something we've all felt and have to deal with...that's why it so so easy to relate to. I wrote a gentle touching theme that compliments the vocals. It's quite pleasant to the ears and progresses like a gentle wave rolling through your mind."
TRIVIA: This was the first ballad Jeff recorded for the album.
STYLE: R&B Ballad
THE LOWDOWN: Have you ever lost a relationship but couldn't quite figure out why? Was it something you did? Was it something you said? Or Maybe something you didn't say but should have?? Well that's the message/question in this catchy little love jam.
Jeff's Recording engineer, Brad, and 10-year-old cousin Nerissa consult on one of Jeff's tracks! Also watch as Nerissa works the boards for a smooth mix! Why do you think they sound so good? :-)
STYLE: R&B Mid-tempo
THE LOWDOWN: "This is a track that explores the phenomenon of Love-At-First-Sight. What would happen if you fell under that spell and it ended out being the best thing that ever happened to you? To some it is fantasy, to others it is reality. I thought it would be a fun topic to make a song about. I composed a very melodic piece of R&B music for this song that works fantastic with the vocals."

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