Joy's SLEEPAWAY Tribute

Joy’s Sleepaway Tribute
By: Joy Henderson

Joy with her beloved SLEEPAWAY CAMP DVD BOX SET

I discovered SleepAway Camp while staying over my sister's house. She said we were renting a movie and of course it was SleepAway Camp! I started to watch it and felt sorry for Angela. I immediately developed a crush on Ricky (he was SO cute).
There were also some funny scenes I enjoyed such as where Meg hums in the shower, when Kenny is under the canoe singing "Hey Bob A Ree Bob" and when Billy says he has to "take a wicked dump". But the most shocking was the end. ANGELA WAS A GUY! Oh my god!! I was SO shocked. I became obsessed and eventually bought it. Then I found some web sites and keep in touch with other SleepAway Camp fans. I even wrote to Felissa Rose and I am going to be getting an autographed picture from her! I know that SleepAway Camp will always be my favorite horror movie in the whole world!