May 30, 2006
Yes, I have received all your e-mails and YES, an update is long overdue. Why the long delay? Unfortunately, the original CGI AFTER-EFFECTS were not up to snuff. Director, Robert Hiltzik and Executive Producer, Tom Van Dell were not satisfied with the results and all the work was Scrapped! Ouch!! As if you all hadn't been waiting long enough. Then the hunt was on for a new FX Team to start-from-scratch yet again for all the digital compositing and bring everything up to spec. This caused yet another delay... but Now, it's FINALLY finishing. Executive Producer, Tom Van Dell says that the new 10-man team of CGI FX artists are hard at work every day finishing up the eagerly awaited sequel. Van Dell is also optimistic about a possible FAll Theatrical release! So hold on to your camp hats because we should (finally) have some big announcements to make by Summer's End. And yes, we have lots of RTSC featurettes coming to the website, so have no fear, the light is near...
I thought panty raids were supposed to be fun?
February 19, 2005
Just What You've Been Lookin' For- I've made the addition of Online VIDEO to the website and to kick it off, Get your exclusive first video glimpse from on the set of RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP Right Here!
Episode #1 is "RONNIE RETURNS" featuring the red jogging suited legend- PAUL DeANGELO as himself and "Ronnie." Paul says "Hello" to the fans from the set and talks about playing "Ronnie" 2 decades later! Don't miss it! "Ronnie Returns" is the first in a series of online videos produced exclusively for the website. In time you'll be able to see segments ranging from The SLEEPAWAY CAMP REUNION to more on-the-set of RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP. So bust out the marshmallows and celebrate with "RONNIE RETURNS" !
December 15, 2004
RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP Executive Producer, Tom Van Dell fills us in on the composers he has lined up for the forthcoming movie. Award Winning composer Rodney Whittenberg (who supplied the score for 2002's insect shocker INFESTED) and Tony McAnany (who created music for the Oliver Stone hit: ANY GIVEN SUNDAY) will be composing a creepy soundscape for the big RETURN. Digital Effects editing is going full steam ahead with a likely Spring 2005 completion. And director Robert Hiltzik will soon be going overseas to make use of some new digital technology to incorporate.
October 19, 2004
"Just What I've Been Looking For!" Today we have a Major TREAT for all my fellow Sleepaway campers, just in time for Halloween! It's your Exclusive First Look at STILLS from the forthcoming RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP!!! FEAST your EYES right here
August 22, 2004
Many of you have been asking for the RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP PLOT... As many of you know, RETURN is fashioned as another mysterious "Who-Done-It," much like the original film. There's LOTS of characters, LOTS of suspects, and LOTS of speculation! So many of you have said over the years how you loved the "speculation" behind the original... Well, that "speculation" is back with a vengeance! Was it Mr. Hiltzik with the Beehive in the Rec Hall? Or maybe Mrs. Voorhess with the knife in the outhouse? Only time will tell... but in the meantime, get out your list, "Knock off" a few suspects, and Check out your PLOT right here!!
June 2, 2004
All the Fans of SOUTH PARK want to know...
click on the cartoon for a possible answer.
May 16, 2004
Whoa- Holy Camp Cadavers! It's about time for a RTSC update, right? Alrighty then, here's a new batch of photos for you and a status update following the pics! Happy Camping!
Frank and Charlie discuss some staffing issues.
Robert makes sure Bella and gals give Al some sh*t.
Felissa transforms into our favorite 'femme fatale' while CKY's Deron Miller watches on in amazement!
"The FACE" is still scary two decades later!!
Chad and the guys try to absorb the shock!
Mike Tatosian makes a triumphant RETURN to the Camp Kitchen!
Rec Hall Ruckus ensues on the set of RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP...
Hey- It's Ricky! What has our old camp buddy been up to???
Jaime and Johnny get wrapped up in their work on a cold camp night.
ahh, yes, those elaborate digital fx.
Now that a rough cut of RTSC has been completed, the next phase of the project is implementing the digital fx. Now, I know some of you are saying- SLEEPAWAY CAMP, digital fx? What's up with that? So let me ease your mind. The digital fx are being used to enhance some of the already creative murders. And don't worry, we're not talking about blocky computerized blood. We're talking about taking some of these murders and giving them even more "sting!" And again, have no fear, this doesn't mean the make-up fx is phased out whatsoever. The digital stuff is being used to enhance what is already there and in some cases, show some of what Robert has conjured up that can't be done with make-up. Yes, you certainly have some cool and creepy visuals coming your way! So that's where we're at folks... It's coming along... We're looking forward to sending you all back to camp!
More to come...
Where do they keep the extra large pots used for cooking corn on the cob? Only "Artie the chef" really knows!
Camp Owner Frank has a heart to heart with junior partner Ronnie.
Dusk approaches at Camp Manabe
Felissa entertains the extras by singing the Happy Camper song!
Robert shows Vinny Pastore how to make the "Angela Face" while Paul DeAngelo consults his "Ronnie" manual.