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June 7, 1999



I write in order to get to my destination,
like the pen is my broomstick
and the paper, my map.
But on that daily trip,
I miss the little sister napping
and the tea-water stewing.
And my life becomes a series of good-bye.
I'm still pondering exactly why I have continued this journal because I'm really tired of updating it and still being in the same realm of online journaling.

It's kind of obsessive, too. When I look at the front page, I think, "Wow, June 2 was a while ago. Maybe I'll just jot down what I'm thinking." And the cycle continues.

What I'll just throw out there is the question, "Do I write in this journal now for the same reason I started it a few months ago?" To all online journalers, have your goals and reasons changed as to why you keep the journal?

I don't. I won't lie. I started it to see if I could concentrate on one topic instead of having links and pictures of my favorite artists (written and musical) like some cheesy page that eventually goes no where but to the part of the brain that all annoying, unfinished projects go.

So I did it. And here it is. But lately I've been feeling like I've become too dependent on the internet for all sources of fun. I thought that maybe that era was over for me, but it can be easily picked up where I left it.

I left it somewhere near my sophmore year of college. And that's a stretch because I started in eigth grade when I discovered dialing up to a local Bulletin Board Systems and chatting in a text-based environment. I thought I was pretty damn cool having all sorts of boys (read: computer geeks) flirt with me, the bearer of big hair and the wearer of red Sally Jesse Raphael glasses who was teased all day in school and was trying to cover up the chicken pox scars from earlier that year. With the almost-nonexistant population of computer geek chicks on the BBS, I had all sorts of attention from guys who were anywhere from 2 years younger to 15 years older than me wanting to get my number. Besides the fact that it saved my self-esteem from plunging farther than the neckline on my hot pink knit dress complete with matching plastic hoop earrings, it was pathetic.

And the story will continue tomorrow...when it's not so hot here...

(told you I was hooked)


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