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June 15, 1999



Nothing but the FileMaker Pro instruction manual. I still need time to get over the impact of Wally Lamb.
I really need to get my ass in gear on a few issues. I have this dream of going to Ireland with a Fulbright scholarship to study modern poets in an ethnographic form. I don't even know if this is possible, but reading Eavan Boland's book, Object Lessons, I think it may be, especially focusing on women and poetry. Her book says that it was not long ago that the word "poet" could not describe a woman. But I have no idea. I don't want to go into this ignorant. But I think I'm too lazy to actually LEARN something. (yes, partly sarcastic)

While I was driving to work today I was thinking, "How could J. and I survive if I went to Ireland?" When I talked to him last night I thought we'd both burst from sexual frustration, and it's only been a month. I answered myself in thinking that we couldn't survive. And that's funny, considering we're engaged. But right now it doesn't even feel like that. It feels like we're testing our tolerance for each other and "playing house." Maybe I'm just feeling more mature than him because I take care of my bills on time and I've "held down the fort" alone, and LOVED it.

Today I had the whole day to myself. I thought I'd get my resume done and hand delivered to a local "alternative" weekly paper who is looking for an editor. I really am meticulous about stuff that's not my own. (IE, I don't care about editing my journal unless NECESSARY)

Well, I got it somewhat done and then ended up playing SimCity 2000 for an hour or so. That game's addicting.

Still in my p.j.'s at 1 p.m., I had a piece of left over birthday cake and watched Comedy Central.

I know I won't be talking to J. tonight. Like I said, we had a pretty sexually charged conversation last night, but he said he'll call me before Friday. He comes home Saturday. I'm looking forward to it. Maybe I'm just numb about everything.


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