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March 10, 1999

The start of the day I feel as if I'd been dragged out and beaten into some Faulkner novel. In and out of pajamas I decided NOT to go to my internship and ease my guilt with a bowl of Cheerios.

I feel as if my spirit has been tied to my ankles and is being dragged while I walk. It's been hard to find something inspirational even after getting six more hours of sleep. How fucking pathetic.

It seems like it took a little coaxing to get JMF to say "yes" about going to a formal coming up. I know he'd rather say "we'll see" than promise me that he will and then have to back out because of work or something else.

In a way, though, I really love this about him. I love that he refuses to make any promises unless he truly knows he can and will keep them. It can get really annoying, but besides that, this makes him real.

"Your sweet nothing
gives me a final lucid fantasy
of children on all fours
panting and laughing.
Doesn't it all sound familiar?"


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