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May 17, 1999



M. Chaume, Woman Holding the Moon in her Lap (Note: Part of this journal is an exerpt of an email I wrote to Ir1shgirl3, because it seems my letter writing style and journaling style have yet to meet.)

I'm in! I'm in! J. and I lay in our own bed Friday night in our own bedroom in our own apartment and stared at our reflection in the t.v. We held each other in a state of disbelief, if that's some way a person can be held.

We had a beautiful weekend for moving...despite the fact that it sucked. I hate moving large objects around and sneezing because of all the dust; a combo I wouldn't suggest. But, we're in, and loving it! It's huge (well, compared to what I'm used to) and J. and I had lots of privacy Friday and Saturday nights to "christen" the place.

The apartment is fantastic, though. Two large bedrooms one for us, one for Andrea), dining room, kitchenette, and bathroom with a linen closet. So, now I want to be Martha Stewart and Betty Crocker or some other household icon. I can't help but to look in the coupon and flier sections of the Sunday paper.

One major planning pitfall was our lack of utensils, including the essential can opener. We didn't unloaded my apartment at school where the "silverware" was until Saturday evening, but by that time, we were on our way out to dinner with J.'s parents. So Friday supper and Saturday brunch consisted of Lay's potato chips and Diet Pepsi. My teeth are crumbling from this. We were so hungry when his parents picked us up, we fantasized about food for a good hour while waiting. Prime rib and a side order of chicken parmesan, salad with banana chips and a lox and cream cheese bagel...

Though we were free to randomly have sex whereever we wanted for a couple of days, I know we're going to have to be a little cautious from now on because of our roommate. Andrea seems a kind of nervous about being a third wheel. (Note: this does not suggest Menage a Trois in any way, shape or form)

Andrea's a hard person to read. She's very quiet and not very excitable, compared to my openly emotional manner. She's a great person, but I don't know what she's thinking sometimes. Plus, I have a habit to want to take care of people whether they need or want it.

I also started my part time job at as a Staff Writer/ Producer for the hospital's communications department. I'm really hoping to get some time writing scripts for vignettes or whatever. When I came "home" today from work, J. was cleaning like mad and listening to Billy Joel. I can definitely live with that!


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