Free drinks.
Free dinners.
Free movies (you get the point).
You can hug your friend without
wondering if she thinks you're gay.
You can hug your friend without
wondering if YOU'RE gay.
Speeding ticket? What's that?
New lipstick gives you a whole new lease
on life.
If you have to be home in time for
90210, you can say so, out loud.
You can sleep your way to the top.
You can sue the President for sexual
Brad Pitt.(Although my personal favorite
is Jeremy London *S*)
You don't have to fart to amuse
You'll never have to decide where to
hide your nose-hair clipper.
No one passes out when you take off your
If you think the person you're dating
really likes you, you don't have to
break up with them.
Excitement is only as far away as the
nearest beauty-supply store.
If you forget to shave, no one has to
You can congratulate your teammate
without ever touching her butt.
If you have a zit, you can conceal it.
You never have to reach down every so
often to make sure your privates are
still there.
If you're dumb, some people will find it
You have the ability to dress yourself.
You have an excuse to be a total witch
at least once a month.
You can talk to people of the opposite
sex without having to picture them
If you marry someone 20 years younger,
you're aware that you look like an
If you're wearing cologne, you don't
have to pretend it's aftershave.
You'll probably never see someone you
know while peeing in an alley.
You'll never have to punch a hole
through anything with your fist.
You can quickly end any fight by crying.
Your friends won't think you're weird if
you ask whether there's spinach in your
There are times when chocolate really
can solve all your problems.
You've never had a goatee.
Gay waiters don't make you
You'll never regret piercing your ears.
You can fully assess a person just by
looking at their shoes.
You'll never discover you've been duped
by a Wonderbra.
You don't have hair on your back.
You know which glass was yours by the
lipstick mark.
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