(left to right): Natedogg, lil' Nate's bro Aaron, and Gramps

Brandon Vaughn

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 125 lbs.

Hair Color: Bleached Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Favorite Movie: American Pie

Least Favorite Movie: Grease

Favorite TV Show: Dukes of Hazzard

Least Favorite TV Show: All Soap Operas

Favorite Song: "All I Have to Give" by the Backstreet Boys

Least Favorite Song: "Mmmbop" by Hanson

Favorite Band: Korn, Blink 182

Least Favorite Band: the Police

Favorite Album: Billy Ocean's Greatest Hits

Favorite Drink: Surge

Favorite Food: Tacos and Pizza

Favorite Phrase:

Favorite Clothes: Old Navy

Hobbies: Drinking, Just hangin out, working on my cars and being the official K-Bee Taxi

Favorite Quote:

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