How to Sneak Booze into a Stadium

Cans and Bottles of Beer

Purchase one of those big foam we're-number-one! fingers and hollow it out. Who's going to suspect you, the team's biggest fan, of having five brewskis stuffed up there?

Confound the security guys by wearing a big coat over your sweatshirt. They'll search your outer pockets but miss the bottles hidden in the sweatshirt tucked into your jeans.


Get cheap binoculars, unscrew the lenses, and turn the chambers into makeshift flasks.

Buy a container of contanct lens solution, empty it, then refill it with your alcohol of choice. Once inside squirt some into your stadium cola.

Before heading to the staduim, inject oranges with vodka. Tell security your diabetic and must have fruit with you at all times.

Dump a shot or two of the hard stuff into spill-proof plastic sandwich bags. Slip the half-filled bags into the pockets of your baggiest pants, under your hat, down your crotch or into your socks.


Rent or borrow a wheelchair. Strap a keg underneath the seat, sit a buddy down, cover his legs and the seat with a blanket, and wheel him on in.

Tips on Technique

Enter the stadium during peak periods when security is it's busiest.

If you and your friends arrive late, split up and stagger your entrances. Security will view a guy arriving alone as a loser and let him pass with a gentle pat-down.

Ask Dad to sneak it in. No one will expect the gray-haired pa of having six bottles of brew wrapped in his blanket.

Bring women along. The guards will think you're more benign if some straight-laced-looking gals accompany you.

A priest's collar never hurts...:)

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