March 5, 2000- This weekend was real fun. Spent it all working. My feet are killing me. At least there's no school tomorrow, and I don't have to work again until next Sunday. Yea! I have to go to the bank, cash my paycheck and then call Kate to see if she still wants to go out. That's it for now. Such fun my life is.
March 2, 2000- We FINALLY got a new computer. Thank goodness. Our old one was soooo slow. This one is a big relief. Speaking of big relief, I got accepted into the University of New Hampshire. Yea! At least I have somewhere to go next year. =) February went by really fast, even though it was a leap year. I still have a ton of scholarships to work on, which I should go do right now. Now that working on the computer is such a pleasure, I'll try to update this more often!