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Manson was really good when he played at the Hard Rock live. The only thing that sucked about Manson was his shirts were $28.Anyways,I got in the show at about 7:30 and went directly to the floor,I didn't get the rail though. Godhead came on at 8 and they were nothing but fancy lights and equipment in my point of view,they sucked.They played for only a half hour.At 9,the Union Underground came on.They had these weird video's playing before they started their set,I really don't know what they opened with,but I know Natural High,Trip With Jesus,and Killing The Fly were the three songs after that. They closed with a song that I again didn't know,but they played Turn Me On Mr.Deadman second to last and South Texas Death Ride before Turn Me on Mr.Deadman.When they left,the stage,it was about 10:30,Manson took about 45 minutes to set up,but it was well worth the wait. At 11:15,Manson took the stage.His enterance was strange to say the least.There was a big white sheet in front of the stage and all these strobe lights were going on and off. Than he was standing in front of it and had on a big cape of sorts,when the curtain dropped,he was standing there with Twiggy on his left and John 5 on his right. They opened up with Irressponsible Hate Anthem.During Torniquet,he came out with hand and leg stilts.He ran around stage and stuff on them and he got off them after he played the song.When he played Crucifixion In Space,he had on this black dress type thing,he slowly starting rising up and the dress stretched to make him look like he was 50 feet tall,he almost was at the top of the stage.He also had a podium made of the guns cross that is on his website,with blood on his chest and sung Valley of the Shadow of Death.After that,he came out in a popes outfit and started playing the Beautiful People.He announced after that that ' We're gonna close this one out with a bang mother fuckers ' and played the Reflecting God.We wouldn't leave,so he came out and played Astonishing Panorama of the End Times.After that,he left stage for good. It was a real good show over all.

Song List ( Not Complete )
- Irressponsible Hate Anthem
- Sweet Dreams
- Dope Show
- Great Big White World
- Tornquiet
- The Beautiful People
- Disposable Teens
- The Fight Song
- Rock is Dead
- Valentine's Day
- Cruci-ficion in Space
- The Reflecting God