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I'm falling for you,

And I don't know what to do.

I'm falling for you,

Is this for real, is it true?

I'm falling for you,

And I am deeply confused.

I'm falling for you,

Do you feel the same way too?

I'm falling for someone special,

Someone kind, sweet, and honest.

Falling for someone loyal and true,

As true as a sky that is Carolina Blue.

I'm falling for someone with a heart of gold.

And someone who is bright and bold.

I'm falling for someone with the sweetest personality.

And who is full of reality.

I'm falling for someone sweet and kind,

Someone who stays on my mind all of the time.

I'm falling for YOU!!


Pictures are taken everyday.

Some for fun some for serious ways.

Like some say pictures are worth a thousand words,

Pictures are good and unique.

Good like weddings, parties, and going to the beach.

Graduation, vacations, and babies too.

Pictures are from small to large,

Comes in many different shapes and forms.

Pictures, not matter what the size,

Means a lot to someone if we stop and realize.

Pictures can be the only thing someone has to remember someone by,

Pictures are the bond that keeps their dreams alive!!

This poem was written for my parents 25th wedding anniversary on 4-26-99.


Twenty five years of marriage,

What a wonderful and joyful experience.

Twenty five years of wedding bliss,

Started with that one "true" kiss.

Twenty five years ago you said "I Do",

Twenty five years you have been through the good and bad times too.

Twenty five years and four children later,

Twenty five years and still doing greater.

Children ranging from 12 to 23,

Children can bring the marriage joy and gleam.

Twenty five years you two have been together,

Through many hardships and the worse of weather.

Twenty five years ago you made a vow,

To make it till death do you part some how.

Twenty five years ago you said "I Do" and you did,

So far you are doing the best as can be.

Twenty five years, lets go for the gold,

Remember love can never be brought or even sold.

Twenty five years and still going strong,

Go for the gold and you can't go wrong.

Happy 25th Anniversary Mom and Dad,

Seeing you two still together makes our hearts so glad.

We love you always and forever,

Keep up the good work and you can make it together.


Together as one,

What does it mean?

Together as one,

Sounds good to me.

Together as one,

Surviving the hardest of times.

Together as one,

Keeping your thoughts good so as to have a good peace of mind.

Together as one,

Having a wonderful experience.

Together as one,

With no interference.

Together as one,

No need to feel alone.

Together as one,

Always good to have someone's shoulder to lean on.

Together as one,

Means going through a marriage with your head held high and going with the motion.

Together as one,

Enjoy the time you have together and go into it with heartfelt devotion.


Jehovah's Witnesses are fine people,

No matter the race, we are treated as equals.

This organization is made up of more than 5,000,000 people and still going strong,

Having that many witnesses, how can people say that we are wrong?

Witnessing in different countries and lands,

Looking for those ones willing to take a stand.

Our God Jehovah is a loving God and true,

Patience, kindness, and mercy shown too.

We go to where the people are,

No matter how near, no matter how far.

Yes we have been persecuted some have sacrificed their life,

But we know in the end it will be worth all the pain and strife.

Jehovah's Witnesses are loyal, faithful, and outstanding people,

Jehovah's Witnesses know no other God is his equal.

We look forward to see the earth turn into a Paradise one day,

Their tears, pain, and death will be wiped away.

We look forward to that time,

But making it there is what is on all of our minds.


A simple word for a special person.

A understanding and kind woman.

A blessing from God.

The glue that holds a family together.

Always there when you are facing the toughest of days.

Is there to wipe the tears away.

Always there when you are hurt or depressed.

No other person on earth can match such a demanding test.

There to help when they family is going through trails.

There to help when you can't got that extra mile.

A special person indeed.

One of a kind, special, and full of gleam.

Only one person fits this desciption---MOM.


Truth is said to be in the eye of the beholder,

Truth--there are 3 versions to every story.

Yours, theirs, and the truth.

Truth is said to set men free,

You can see the way it is now, that is why there is no peace.

Only one true person really knows what is true,

That would be God alone, the one who rules.

Truth is said to be in the eye of the beholder,

What if that eye belongs to a wicked person?

A untrue person is a bad situation.

There is only one true version to every situation,

The one who knows the truth is almighty God, our creator.


Friendship with witnesses has great many reasons,

Friendship with witnesses doesn't matter the time or seasons.

We don't care about the color of one's face,

Doesn't matter because we all belong to the human race.

Having many true friendships,

Is like having a personal close relationship.

They are there for you when things seem to be so low,

There for you to pick up the pieces and to help you get back into the flow.

There for you in good situations as well,

Good to see many happy faces and enjoy pleasant smells.

Whether at assemblies, conventions, or congregation meetings,

You can count on the witnesses to give you a great big smile and a nice warm greeting.

Friendship with witnesses is rewarding and true,

Having these friends sure is exciting and pleasant too.


One true love.

Sent from up above.

Being around you I feel so free,

Makes me so happy and full of gleam.

I value what we have together my friend,

We have been such good friends even when we have to say, "I'm sorry" and make amends.

One true love.

That is what you are.

One true love.

Whether near or very far.

Look what we have made together,

A lasting friendship that is always getting better.

No matter how near or even how far,

The love I have for you in my heart is where you are.

Thank you for being my bright shining star.


My papa passed away today(12-26-99)

Very sad day I must say.

Friends and family great number indeed,

Come by to wish their sorrow and prayers too.

Oh how my papa suffer for awhile,

I am glad he is not fighting and suffering anymore.

Seeing someone you love suffer hurts so bad.

But with family together to comfort those left behind,

Helps you get through the toughest times.

One day though sickness and death will be no more, no need to dwell.

But instead we will be rejoicing to see our love ones together, happy, and well.


It seems life endlessly

begins and ends.

How I wish I could,

start all over again.

Making ends meet

with all the sweet

things I've never experienced before.

I could make it all

Seem like much more.

As I walk through

the halls of my life

opening doors

with all the sight

of a million lives.

I've never met before

I could make it all

seem like much more.

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