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Here is a poem I wrote about our trip to unassigned territory in Alabama in August 2005.


We left on July 31st for our assignment in the field

To help the people we met in Alabama to know that God is real.

We had eleven brothers and sisters making this spiritual adventure with such great delight

We all were looking forward to hearing each other’s spiritual insight.

We all made a self-sacrifice to go

To share with others the spiritual things we know.

We realize we had a serious task at hand,

Helping the deserving ones take a spiritual stand.

The area we were assigned was pleasant to complete,

We enjoyed the many benefits and all we had the chance to meet.

The responses we received while in field service,

Lets us know that there are many left who are deserving.

Many were eager to have deep spiritual conversations with us

They really wanted to know some Bible answers, not to argue or fuss.

The interests we found were many and what a blessing indeed,

It gives you a spiritual boost when taking counsel to heed.

The friends at the local congregation were so loving, warm, and kind

We had such good support from the hall; we were able to get a lot done that was assigned.

We worked long days to get our task completed

We had Jehovah’s backing so we didn’t feel overly tired or defeated.

The experiences we have will stay with us for a lifetime,

Let us continue to share what we learn so it will stay fresh in our minds.

We should resolve to remain faithful right to the finish,

We want to keep our faith strong to Jehovah; and our zeal to never diminish.

Written by: Lisa Matthews 8/14/2005


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