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My true hero wasn't famous, didn't accomplish anything of great notoriety, nor did she do anything more throughout her life than raise her family to the best of her ability, take in sewing for a living, and endure extreme trials well. She set an example of Christ like love that few on this earth ever will.

In 1968, I was a very confused, unhappy teenager, seeking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. Of course this was the time of rebellious upheaval against the establishment (in the guise of peace, love, and rock and roll). And I fit the criteria by adorning myself in tapestry, moccasins, pattouli oil, and headbands. I fell in love with Joe Cool the original hippy and we were in psychedelic bliss together. My family had divorced years ago, and my mother was very busy at providing a living and relaxing away from her teenagers and their problems as much as possible. She was making a life for herself with a new man, and my twin sister and I pretty much finned for ourselves. My father, who had been on an alcoholic binge since the divorce, was also pretty much out of our lives. I was kicked out when my mother found out that I was with child. I was forced to drop out of school because of these circumstances at 17 years old.

I showed up at the door of my boy friends mother, Lorna. Here I was, a lost soul, a cigarette in one hand, clothed in hippy garb, no self esteem to speak of, (or shoes), pretty much homeless and very much penniless. She took one look at me, this very Christian woman, threw her arms around me, and welcomed me to her home. She told me that she felt as if she had known me all my life and that I just fit into her family.

They were living on a very meager budget at the time, but she fed me, sewed clothing for me, and gave me her bed. She created a beautiful wedding dress for me. She loved me as the Lord loves us. She taught me everlasting truths, and morals, and acceptance of others differences. She helped me to have self confidence in my abilities and talents. She believed in me. She lived what many Christians profess but few actually are able to attain. She was a teacher on so many levels. Because of her efforts, I straightened up my life. I found faith in God. I was able to go back to school and get my high school diploma when my baby was 2 years old. She was a seeker of the lost sheep. Her love, kindness and acceptance helped me to trust in human kind. She continuously taught and blessed my life, without preaching, forcing or threatening.

Lorna was born on the 13th of March, 1929. She grew up in Lincoln Nebraska. She moved to California with her husband and raised her three children in Southern California. She was a life time member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She was my second mother, and I loved her, and I looked up to her and sought her wisdom all my life. She was a great seamstress, and her flair and ability in interior design was very creative and artistic.

Lorna died at 64, in Arroyo Grande, California, on the 12th of January, 1994. I will never forget her nor the impact she had upon my life. She is truly my hero!

I am now 48, I've raised all my kids and now am going back to school to get a degree as a high school art teacher. I want to make a difference in the lives of as many young souls as I can as she has made in mine.

