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Paul Arvid Kulju was born July 12 1920 in Beaufort, Michigan. He often spoke of his childhood in Michigame; His near death experience in Lake Michigan, his school days, how shy he was, and how he came running home every day running because the bullies were after him. He spoke about his family and their trials and experiences.

When he was a young man, he moved to Chicago and lived with his sister Sig. There he graduated from the School of Engineering.

During the war he was stationed in the Philippines. He was in engineering in the war so he didn't have to fight on the front lines. He became a Lieutenant and then a Captain. He returned home from service in May 1952. His father Arvid, passed away that month also so he was able to attend the funeral.

Paul married Yvonne Whitehead in 1948. From this union he fathered 3 daughters; Paula, Linda, and Lissa. He was a good father and we knew he loved us.

Paul was an engineer and tool designer by trade. He had a very mechanical mind which seemed to skip a generation. He also was a very talented artist and appreciator of beautiful art, poetry, philosophy, music (and women). He was theatrical and loved to recite his favorite poetry. He always read, "The Cremation of Sam McGee".
(click here to go to that poem)

Daddy was often heard to say "Let me tell you about life".

My fondest childhood memories are of the times my father would take me upon his lap while sitting in his favorite chair to read poetry to me for hours. That's where I gained my love for poetry. I hope he is proud that I have written over 365 poems. He instilled that in me early in my youth. Daddy spent a lot of quality time with us. He took us to the Crawdad park, Ice skating, to the beach or desert on the weekends.

Every Monday night he took us to get burgers and then to Grandma Kulju's. He Always spoke Finish to Grandma and we couldn't understand a word they were saying. He tried so hard to teach us good table manners and that was so important to him. He tried to teach us Finish too, but all I remembered is how to count. He bought me a telescope and taught me the stars. He often took us on evening walks and would tell us stories as we walked..

Every Tuesday night he would take us to the library. He paid for our dance lessons, piano lessons, Y.W.C.A. classes and many other things because he wanted us to be well rounded and educated. I practically worshiped my dad as a child. I tell you all these things because not very many people in the world had such wonderful childhood memories of their father and I feel so lucky to have had such a kind and caring father. I wrote a poem about him one Father's Day and would like to share it with you. POEM

Tragedy struck our home in 1963 when my mom and dad divorced. This was very hard on us all. From my fathers next marriage came David. He raised David by himself for a while. This marriage also ended in divorce. He lost his son David in 1996. We can never know the pain that he suffered over David's death. My dad has suffered many hard things in his life some of his own making some not as with us all.

Then my father was blessed with an angel. His soul mate, Esther Younanpour, They met in 1984. Esther had an effect on my dad that no woman ever had. She inspired the best in him with her patient kind heart. I asked Esther to tell me about her relationship with my dad and she said that he was the most gentle, kind man that she had ever known. She said he was thoughtful and never said a bad word about anyone. (On which I disagreed - he said plenty about the crazy people on the freeway, not to mention the way he tried to improve upon us).

It made me so happy to see my father through Esther's eyes. I know my father wasn't perfect. I know he made many a mistake, and sowed many a wild oat in his day. But I loved my father. I saw his goodness, I felt his love, and I'm thankful I had him in my life for so many years. I only regret that I cannot tell more about his life. There is a giant gap when he wasn't in my life. But I can honestly say. I have felt him around me since his passing. I feel his smile and joy. I know he is free from the prison of his body and is finally home. I would like to end with another poem. FREE SPIRIT

Sea Spray and Ashes

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