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Gather needed items below
1.Pictures :Jesus' Baptism, Jesus with open arms, picture of a boy or girl being baptized
click here for pictures

2. Scriptures
3. Childrens'' songbook
4. Pack your families favorite desert in a sack or picnic basket and place outside the door.
5. White yarn,(Place the white yarn in a tight straight line leading to the front door), (Place a picture of a gate on the door and at the beginning of the string.

(One that says;)

"the first step to joy"

(One that says),

Joy , Eternal Life, Family Forever, Presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ"

Mark 16:16, we must believe, be baptized, John 3:5, We must be born of water, Acts 2:38, We must repent, Acts 22:16 we must wash away sins, Romans 6:4 we must be buried with him, Gal.3:27we must put on our Christ, 2 Ne. 31:5We must follow the Lamb of God, 3 Ne.11:27We must be baptized after this manner, 3 Ne. 11:34 If we don't do this, our progression will be damned, D&C 13:1We must be baptized by those in authority that hold the Keys of, Moses 6:59We must be born again by water. JS-H 1:73, Then we can experience great and glorious blessings

7. At the beginning of the path, at the gate, have Jesus' baptism displayed with the words, "Jesus showed us the way". Also at the gate have the picture of a person being baptized. (Have pictures, (below), of the other steps that need to be taken along the path with the words underneath to read on the path:)

(cut these out)


1.Scriptures (follow the Scriptures and the Prophet)

1. Study the scriptures all your life, to learn and know about what father wants you to do. Then do it!



Pray all the days of your life, and have a relationship with your God and your Savior


3.Pay Tithing

Sacrifice a tenth to the building up of Fathers kingdom on earth.


4.Serve a Mission

If you are a boy, plan on serving a mission, it not only brings souls into the gospel and on the right path, it also strengthens you for your life ahead!


5. Marry in the Temple

Temple marriage is the way father wants us to be married, for time and all eternity. This is one of the most important steps to finish the work of God .


6. Do genealogy and temple work

Bring the rest of your family and your ancestors to Christ and to the gate, so they can be happy too!


7. Have Faith, Hope, and kind
without this step every thing else you do will be for nothing!!

Learn to be kind and to depend on your Lord!!



1. Prayer:
2. Song:" Jesus Came to John the Baptist"
3. Family council, and business


1.We spoke of a pathway that is straight and narrow. What is the gateway to the straight and narrow path? read 2 Ne.31:17
2. go to the first gate attached to the beginning of the yarn
3. What are the steps we must take to get into this gate?
Jesus showed us what to do to become our happiest, these are the first steps to go through the gate that leads to eternal life.
4. Appoint two or three family members to read those scriptures, and have an appointed person to write the required steps to baptism. (read the scriptures attached to the gate.) (example: 1. believe, 2. repent 3. baptism
5. This step of baptism gets us into the gate and on the straight and narrow path. once we are on that path we can follow the other steps that lead to the great joy that Father promised us.
6. Follow the other steps and pictures and read what they say along the way until you are all at the door together. At the doorway, have a picture of Christ along side the gate,
Go through the door.( On the other side get the picnic basket or sack with desert in it, and go to the park and eat, play and have a good time together! ) and prayer

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