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Mothers Day Ideas & Lesson

(This Family Home Evening Starts in the Morning). 1.Give your mother breakfast in bed, Have Dad help. Serve her favorite breakfast. Get a flower to put on her tray.

2. Sing her, "Mother, I Love you"

words and music: Lorin F. Wheelwright, 1909-1987
(c)1969 by Lorin F. Wheelwright.
This song may be copied for invidental, noncommercial church or home use.

Mother, I love you;
mother, I do.
Father in Heaven has sent me to you.
When I am near you,
I love to hear you
Singing so softly that you love me too.
Mother, I love you; I love you, I do

Mother, I love you;
mother, I do.
I want to help you because I love you.
I want to mind you,
I want to find you
Happy and smiling because I love you.
Mother, I love you, I love you, I do.

3. Prepare a meal in the morning

1. Get a thawed roast
2. Put it into a slow cooker with app. 1-2 inches of water.
3. Add 1 package of dry Lipton Onion Soup mix (pour over top of roast)
4. Get one or two potatoes for each member of family. cut out the dark spots and eyes.
Cut into fourths 5. Get a couple of carrots for each member of family and peel and chop off ends and cut in fourths 6. Chop an onion on top and celery if you like it 7. put a package of brown gravy mix over the top. 8. Cover with lid and put on medium high.Let simmer all day adding water when needed. 9. Make a salad 10. Get a pkg. of dinner rolls 11. Open a can of fruit 12. Voila....dinner is ready with out alot of work

4. Prepare a mothers day gift or flowers from the crafts links below, a Few days ahead of time. (also cards)


1. Prayer:
2. Song: "Mother I Love You"
3. Family talk:
4. Seat mother in a chair in the middle of the room
5. Have each child and Dad tell what they feel for mom, and give her the homemade gift or flowers.
6. Blindfold mom and tell her you are taking her to a special place. Some one guide her. Have her feel the flowers, the grass, the water, a stream if there is one nearby. Tell her to listen to the birds and feel the sunshine and the air.
7.Then lead her back to the house and lay her on the couch. Have one child rub her feet with lotion, have another run and put on soft beautiful music, and another sets the table and makes a beautiful candle lit table sitting, (depending on how many children) , one can pour her drink and one can rub her back.
8. When you are ready, turn down the lights and lead her to a chair and sit her down and take off her blind fold. Thank her for blessing your life with all the things that she does; (All the meals, and care when you are sick, and hard work etc.etc.)
9. Then sit down to your wonderful meal, give thanks for the food and for mom and eat!!
10. Have dad and the kids do the dishes and one get the desert you made and bring it to her.
This family Home Evening will be a winner! Your mom is guarantied to love this. I know because I am a Mom and would love this myself!! LOL
11. Scriptures
12. Song: "My Mother Dear" pg.203 (Childrens Song Book)
12. prayer

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