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Heavy Black clouds boil in steely skies

Cold streamlets dribble down my window pain
I , in my cozy robe and fuzzy slippers
sip hot herbal, honeyed tea and watch the rain

My family lays asleep, dreaming in their fluffy beds
Little Kitty is curled within the crook of my arm
I cannot see this day as anything but good
as I dream of love and purrs and old world charm

Though the summer season lays asleep
under autumn's teases of impending gloom
Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas traditions
are just around the bend, 'tis no time for doom

Time to reflect on the symbols of nature
For there are lessons to be learned in every one
Spring is a renewal and a promise
to remind us of the resurrection of the Son

Time to sow seeds of faith, and truth, and life
for renewal of our covenants with God
for fresh beginnings, brand new dreams and hopes
For planting fresh new flowers in the sod

Summer with its hot blast to be endured
Its' longer days that labor into night
a working, growing, preparation time
where flowers witness that Gods warmth is ever bright

Fall is time to harvest what you've sown
to gather strength for enduring winters battles
For giving thanks, and learning 'bout the things to come
animals fall asleep to the weather's drumming rattles

Winter is an old man sleeping peacefully
and dreaming of his death and life to come
a silent cold, where warmth is found within-
the home the heart, tradition bound for some

Even though its days are dark and cold
the hope of Christ's flame warms within the soul
the weary, cold, and hungry need your ministering
set charity and blessing others as your winter goal

Yes 'tis time for pondering all the blessed seasons
remembering the creator of them all
for the symbols represented within each one
is the beauty of winter, spring, summer, and fall
Melissa Munn
Oct 1998

A Fisherman

Today I felt like a fisherman
in all the days of sea and sand
each day would bring a different plan
and every night my ship would land
on shore
Every morning a new plot
to capture all lifes deepest thoughts
I wonder if I've really caught
the vision of what I really ought
to be
Reeling in and reeling out
my thought of self was strong and stout
the waves would thrust me round about
my hopes receding into pouts
like sand crabs
Its truth that I have really sought
On stormy shores I 've stood and fought
all the evil winds have brought
the lesson the rough sea has taught
my gain
I wonder if the rocks are there
to crash against in deep despair
or a place to climb for mind repair
or a foreboding place that i not dare
to go near
Why do I linger on you ask?
fishing is my lifelong task
until the tide is in its last
and truth no longer in my grasp
I'll fish here
Melissa Munn

Joy From The Inner Child

A little girl emerged from me
demanding all my time
unhappy 'bout her sorted past
she drove me to a rhyme

So here I am obedient
to the little boss emerged
and I must right to free her
until her anger purged

"Why", she asks, "did no one
have the time for me".
"Why have you done the same
to never let me be"?

"Please take some time to play with me
and dance and sing a tune
and take a walk and smell a rose
no time for adult gloom and doom".

"Stop stressing out as adults do
and make some time for me
I am sure that when you're through
some joy will be set free"!
(c) 1998 Melissa Munn

His Hand Is The Hand I'll Persue

I often sat at His sacred knee
Always assured that he loved me
He told me great stories of worlds without end
that when I came to earth, the truth he would send
my spirit absorbed all His words deep within
My goal was to come and have flesh without sin
I was born to this earth with purpose in place
His tender hand was the last I'd embrace
veils were pulled, I was born into painful flesh
The softness of cloth the tender sweet breast
forgetting completly my purpose and plan
I began a new quest to learn all that I can
about moving this flesh and speaking new words
about this world filled with trees, flowers and birds
as I mastered those things, something tugged at my heart
an unrest, a searching, a new quest to start
a desire for truth that just couldn't die
the discernment that comes in the midst of a lie
I turned to my Father in the form of a prayer
I recalled in a vision his hand so fair
truth cascading down pure knowledge unfolding
as I search through the scriptures his truth now beholding
I add to my self even more than I knew
and His hand is the hand that I'll always persue
(c)1998 Melissa Munn


Fly away little bird
from the word
that took your heart
and made you start

Fly away little bird
how absurd
for flying is your way
you couldn't stay

Fly away little bird
but how absurd
to leave the nest
that gives you rest

Oh little bird
how absurd
to take your flight
in the storm of night

fly home little bird
don't be absurd
working things out
may be a better route

Clip your wing little bird
listen to my word
when the raging storm is worse
don't fly against its curse
(c) 1998 Melissa Munn


Ever Reaching out
to gather me in
as a hen
who gathereth her chickens
under wing

Ever reaching out
to bless my troubled soul
almighty goal
to gather in the strays
to protect against the cold

Ever reaching out
To heal and comfort all
who've taken fall
into depths of sickness
or sorrows hall

Ever reaching out
to those in need
of more than feed
to guide them to his truth
to plant eternal seed

Ever reaching out
they gather in
they cast out sin
to release the fettered
heart within

Ever reaching out
revealing the scars
the awful marrs
from those who followed
fallen stars

Ever reaching out
for me to take his hand
that I might understand
and walk eternally with him
on Celestial land
(c)1998 Melissa Munn


The secret box is kept inside
where playful children hide
behind the heart, where feelings start
protected safely there
behind a snare
false protectors are worn outside
where facades ride
where thinking starts
to ban out hearts
rolls are played, life delayed
I choose to live and feel again
break down the walls that box me in
freely live, work, and play
fulfilling my purpose every day
(c) 1998 Melissa Munn

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