In a still urn,
the ashes of a soul
are taken out to sea.
To be tossed upon the waves,
upon the waves of water and emotion,
upon the waves of sadness and joy,
upon the waves of life and death.
A florescent glimmer catches the sunlight
and for a moment ashes shimmer on sea spray.
Beauty is found in sorrow
and the boat sails quietly on.
Choppy waves lap upon the stillness
only to interrupt the silence of the sea.
Then suddenly, as if sent to ease the pain,
a clown appears in the form of a seal.
To all the mourners in the boat,
he performs silent, humorous, frolicking antics.
Sent as a comfort and reminder, that death,
is not such a sad affair after all.
(c)2001 Melissa Munn