This page is full of things that I like, so I figured maybe I'd better tell you something about myself...
Pics of me and my friends... more too be added
Check out me and my kick ass car!
I really like horoscopes and astrology and fortune telling and stuff, so I thought I'd collect some links and put them on my page. Have fun with it... One of these links is especially amusing!
This is a site about where I live. I've put together a bunch of links to info and VideoCAM shots of different places here. The shots change regularily, so check back!
These are my links to chat rooms. There aren't many, but the ones I have are pretty good. Look for me, usually as "Mandy"! Make sure you check out my chat...
This page has pretty much everything you're looking for, from useful links to those that are entertaining!
I found some neat, informative links about dream analysis and interpretation. Find out what your dreams mean...
These are the home pages of friends and people I know, both on the net and off. They're a great bunch of people! Don't forget to sign their guestbooks!!!
I found a bunch of nursing and medical links while searching the web. I thought they were interesting, so I put them together for my visitors to use :)
I've set up some sports links because I've been asked for them, so here you go! I'll put updates and stuff when I find them
These links are very cool. They're funny and really good for passing away some time. Check them out...
These are links to games and trivia and stuff that I have found on the net. You can even win prizes, although I have yet to.
I love sending virtual cards and flowers and stuff, so I've put together a big list of the sites I use. Here you can send people beer, vacations, kisses and hugs, cards, flowers, balloons, and meals. Have fun...
This is a great place to check out for a laugh, or if your having trouble sleeping. It's guaranteed to keep you busy for hours!!! Hope you enjoy it!
I've added this Web Site Tools section to help you in making a web page for yourself, or even just improving the one you already have. Hope you find it useful...
These are the awards that I've won online.. Check them out and apply for some for yourself!